Chapter 3 Part 1: It's time to begin, isn't it?

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The next day I woke up at 7:30am with the annoying sound of the phone's alarm. When I used to go to high school I used to put the alarm just in vibration and I could get up easily, but this time I didn't want to take any risks, so the night before I programmed it to sound at the maximum volume, just in case. I didn't want to be late the first time at my new job, not after all the hard work I had been through to get it.
I prepared a cup full of coffee and a few buiscuits to have for breakfast, while looking at the bus schedule so I could see which one I could take. The bus was supposed to come in half an hour and as the bus stop was just a couple of minutes from my appartment I checked for a hundredth time if I had everything I needed to bring to work: the copy of the contract I was sent, my notebook with a few pens, a copy of the card I was told to use to enter all areas of the studio as it was a key, the phone, my wallet with enough money and the bus card. I knew something was missing but I couldn't think about what until, suddenly, I thought about the food. I had to prepare a sandwich to eat during the lunch break.
It was 8:15am already, and as the bus was coming in 15 minutes I decided to get to the bus stop in case it was coming earlier, as in Spain I used to miss them quite often for this reason.
There were only 3 people at the bus stop, including me, and just other 3 passed while we were waiting there. Without any doubt this was a quiet neighbourhood and not very touristic, nothing compared with Grafton Street's area which at that time was for sure overcrowded as usual although it was just 8:30am. When the bus arrived I got in as fast as I could to try to get a bit warm, as I was starting to not feel my nose and feet after waiting ten minutes outside.
The bus took just fifteen minutes to get to the bus stop I had to get off, so I would have other fifteen minutes to get to the studio, which was just in front of the legendary pub Temple Bar. I got there five minutes before the time stablished, so I entered to the glass building which was protected by grey concrete walls. Once I got in I was in a huge hall painted in white with high roofs, that high that it was really the second floor's roof at the same time, which could be seen from where I was standing but which was fully covered by glass fences as it was an interior balcony. In front of me there was a blond woman of white skin who was wearing headphones with a microphone on them. She was sitting on a chair, quite bigger than her, and was controlling several computers at the same time, which remind me of Penélope García, one of Criminal Minds' characters, excepting her excentric clothes and body shape. I walked to her desk and before I could say anything she started talking, which confused me a little bit because I didn't know if she was talking to me or through the microphone.
"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked me smiling looking in my eyes but without stopping tapping as fast as she was doing before.
"Hello, good morning, I'm the new employee".
"Oh yeah, Alicia, is that right? Wait a few minutes there while I tell someone to show you the studio. Welcome". She said smiling again pointing at some dark arm chairs located in one of the corners. I thanked her and went to sit down while I heard the woman talking to someone called Joe, who I supposed it was the one who sent me the email the day before.
After a few minutes waiting impatiently, a young man who was about 25 years old appeared through the corridor of the right. He seemed quite tall and slim, maybe it was because of the tight black jeans he was wearing that marked his legs or his hair brushed with a quiff which made him seem taller.
I stood up when I saw him getting closer to me with his right arm positioned to handshake mine, which I did after show him a nervious smile.

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