Chapter 51: Trueth -Mamma Mia Part 2

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Strega's décor was as kitschy as it was clichéd, from the red-checkered tablecloths, the candles in old Chianti bottles and the straw seat chairs to the white washed walls bearing colourful renditions of Italian landscapes. The artificial grotto their group was sitting in also featured the bleached top half of an old rowing boat and a fishnet with green baubles and fake crabs, reminiscent of a Rimini that had never existed in reality. Savoury clouds of garlic and tomato sauce greeted them upon entry as the Maitre d' responded to Metjen's codeword with a 'Si' that was distinctly at odds with the 'No' on his blue-jowled face.

Still, he presented the menus with a flourish before his aproned minions placed little dishes with olives, sundried tomatoes, ham and bread on the table.

'I need to go out with you more often, bro,' said Ranofer spearing an olive with one toothpick while swatting away Pharaoh's probing fingers with his other hand. Khy watched him, grabbed another toothpick and successfully targetted a tomato.

That guy is amazing, Trueth thought. 

'No you don't,' Metjen said. 'And anyway, this is not why we're here. Let's not waste time. Let's order a variety of pizzas and some green stuff for those who need it and be done with it. I want to hear your opinions on my plans.'

His father snapped the menu shut. 'As long as I don't have to suffer a variety of wines, I'll go along with that. So tell me, when and how are we going to go back? To Kemet, I mean. If I stay here any longer, I'll have to see if I can lecture somewhere. People have noticed I'm back and will find it strange if I'm just hanging around. To be honest, I find it strange myself. To be even more honest, I would like to return to Kemet pretty soonish. There is so much to explore!'

Nefertiti nodded vigorously. 'You can't keep cataloging all these books all the time. So strange that we don't hear from Imhotep, Metjen dear. What's going on? Does he want us to remain here? Then I need to make some investments.'

Nobody looked at Pharaoh, and he only had eyes for the raucous throng populating the restaurant that consisted mainly of teenagers. Nobody said anything either, but it was clear that he was neither of nor for this world. By now, he might no longer agree with that opinion.

Metjen took a deep breath but got interrupted by another aproned waiter who took their order. At least, he made a valiant effort. Balancing the different preferences, tastes and dislikes of their group turned into a task of pyramidic proportions.

'No anchovies on the Pizza Margarita!' It was a near miss, but the professor's hand slipped off the apron as the waiter escaped towards the kitchen.

'They never have them on that one, you know,' Nefertiti said and got interrupted by a groan from her eldest son.

'Now that we have a chance of feeding the multitudes, can you all please try to listen to what I have to say? ' Metjen glanced round the table, and met with sufficient interest to continue. 'Look, I'll sum it up for you. Imhotep has evidence that the portal shifted Kemet into the wrong world, and this is why we are vulnerable. The walking stick is not enough to keep out the demons. Nebmutef got through and is on the loose. He'll make sure that somebody summons some more of his pals. That somebody could well be the high priestess of Maat, who turned out to be the traitor in the circle...'

He got interrupted by swearing and other expressions of dismay and raised his voice. 'Let me finish please, you can ask questions later. Our traitor has freed Ptahmes and these two morons are trying to call in the darkness once more. Ra only knows what payment they have been promised.'

'And what does Imhotep intend to do about this?' the professor asked.

Metjen pulled a face. 'His solution is to do what he did once before - have another portal built. He believes this will shift Kemet into the right place this time.'

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