"Today's the Day." Chapter 9

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This was it.

Tonight was the night.

In all of the time we had, this was our moment to show the audience what we are really capable of doing.

I had a bunch of butterflies filling up in my stomach.

As the curtains opened up everyone got in their positions, and when the light shined onto us.......


I threw up all on the stage and all the way reaching towards the front row of the audience.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I stood there, frozen.

I looked out into the audience to see everyone just laughing in their seats at me while everyone in the front row and on stage were yelling at me. People were mocking me left to right mimicking my throw up noises until.......


I woke up from my nightmare to find myself in my bed all by myself.

"I really need to see a therapist." I mumbled.

I rolled over to the side of my bed to where the alarm clock was and turned it off then sat up and stretched then walked straight towards to the bathroom to get ready for the actual big day that hasn't happened yet.


"So you had a dream that you THREW UP in front of the whole front row and all over everyone on stage?! I'm sorry Sarah but that's just PRICELESS!" Louis said as we drove our way to school.

Louis decided to give me a ride today since Harry said he needed to get his Coldplay tickets from Liam this morning.

"You know what shut up I don't even know why I bother telling you those kinds of things you just make fun of me!" I wasn't in the mood with everything that was going on with Zayn and I.

"Oh come on Sarbear you know I'm just joking. Please forgive me?" Louis made this pouty face that I couldn't say no to.

"Okay fine! I forgive you! Just stop with that stupid pouty face." I said while crossing my arms.

"Whatever you say Princess, you know you love me." He said winking while parking his car infront of our school and getting out.

He was so sassy.

We walked to Chem and before we did we saw Liam and Harry again.

"What is Harry doing with Liam? I didn't even think Liam knew who Harry was." Louis was concerned.

"Harry said that Liam's suppose to be giving him tickets to go and see Coldplay. I saw them yesterday." I said while we kept on walking.

Louis stopped me and said, "Um, Sarah. I don't think those look like tickets."

He pointed in Harry and Liam's direction and saw Liam giving him a bag that was for sure not tickets.

"WAIT SARAH!" Louis shouted at me but I just sprinted as fast I could to Harry and Liam.

Harry looked up and Liam looked in the same direction and saw me running towards them.

Harry just stopped in the middle of grabbing the bag of drugs and just froze.

He started to run away from me and Liam picked up the bag as fast as he could and ran away towards the boy's locker room.

I ran faster towards Harry as Louis tried running behind me, but couldn't keep up. He just stopped and stood there confused on what was exactly going on.

"I Will Always Be There For You." One Direction Fan Fic. <3Where stories live. Discover now