"Larry?" Chapter 4

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I was sitting in the classroom listening to my photography teacher to give us instructions on what our assignment was for the day.

I looked around the room to admire all the artwork that was posted on the walls.

Everything was just, so beautiful.

I admired photo so much.

I think if pursuing my dream as an actress doesn't work out, then photography might be my career.

"So class today our assignment is going to be something different. I think you guys will like it a lot." The teacher announced as he walked over to the over head to turn it on.

The assignment projected on the screen as he continued on speaking.

"For this assignment, two people will be in each group and you and your partner will be taking pictures of each other. This assignment will show how pictures can define someone's emotions. So when I say you guys can get started, I would like for each one of you to partner up with someone else in the classroom. Ready, set, GO!"

I looked around the room to realize that I had no one in the class that I was really friends with. Then I realized that he was still in the class.


I looked around to see if I could find him, but I couldn't.

Where could he be?

As I sighed realizing that I had no one to partner up with someone tapped on my shoulder.

"AHHH!" I jumped up out of my chair as I was always easy to scare.

"Zayn! Why did you sneak up on me like that?! And I was looking for you, do you want to maybe...be my partner for the project?" I said biting my lip.

He was just so perfect.

I just stared into his deep brown eyes.

"Uhm, yeah sure that's what I kind of came over here for, to ask if you wanted to be my partner, but since you asked first. I think we will ace this project!" He said smiling as we both high-fived each other and sat back down in our seats.

I couldn't believe I was actually going to work with Zayn Malik. Maybe I should act normal so he doesn't think I'm a weirdo or anything.

I looked back up to the teacher as he came around to the desks to pass out a camera to each group.

When he passed out ours I went to go grab it as Zayn grabbed it at the same time. Our hands touched and I looked up as he was staring into my eyes.

We both pulled back kind of embarrassed. He was biting his lip trying to forget about what just happened and trying not to blush.

"I'm sorry, haha." I said as I gave a quick smile and grabbed the camera to put in my bag.

"No it's fine, no need to be sorry!" He laughed.

"So when should we take the pictures? We can go to a park or the beach. Your choice since I'm nice." I winked.

"Um, I don't know. How about the park! Since it's closer, aha. Unless you don't want to that's fine too.." He paused looking away.

"No, it's completely fine that's why I asked you silly!" I smiled as I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

We just smiled at each other.

I'm surprised I was actually making a conversation with him.

I'm never like this.

Was I changing?

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