I always wished for this dream but now it's turning into a nightmare.

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Hello Astrid.” Its black eyes tormented me and when it started to laugh while I screamed my head off.

Now, now baby girl there’s no need for you to do that, it hurts my ears. You don’t want to give your first lover a headache now do you?” Tyler looked at me in disgust and I dropped to my knees.

What do you want from me Chase?” Tears began to appear in my bloodshot eyes as my voice became husky and course.

Isn’t it obvious? I want your power.” His face became clear but his body remained the same, a thick black, grey cloud of smoke.

What power, she doesn’t have any. “Tyler was quick to jump to my defence but none of the boys knew that I had a similar power to theirs, not even Reid.

Oh yes she does and it’s much stronger than yours Tyler she’s never been taught how to use it without abusing it and in three days when she turns 17 she will descend into the deep depth’s off hell. I want you’re power before you descend Astrid and you’re going to give it to me.” He seemed so sure that I would just give up without a fight, his voice depends and his eyes gained a red tinged through them, he raised one of his disgusting smog hands and out of it shot this ball of power at Tyler. Tyler’s eyes turned black but before he could launch is attack I had already sent an army of attacks towards Chase, Chase absorbed them and disappeared. The other three boys barged into the room and all they could see was a massive hole in the wall. I dropped to the ground almost taking an unsuspecting Tyler with me.

What happened?” Pouge said staring at me sitting on the ground; he was so confused it was almost enough to put a smile on my face in a dreadful situation. His eyes were dazed and his mouth had almost dropped to the floor

It was chase, I saw him. Caleb he’s back and he’s after your sister’s power.” Tyler basically shouted it to the world, the worry and distress in his voice was unbearable. I hated seeing people like this because of me. Caleb quickly looked at Tyler like he was a lunatic that escaped from the asylum.

What power? I was the first born so I got it not her.” Caleb looked devastated and angry “Plus I destroyed Chase.” His tone in voice was course and scarce like he was about to explode with the tears that he was trying to hold back.

Have you read the whole book of domination? It states that if the second born is granted with power, they will be stronger and more dangerous than the first born’s but every time we use, we age, but every time they use it weakens them greatly. Sometimes the occupant of the power can get so weak it has been known to kill them in one fight, they can always “recharge” but it takes days, weeks, months even years depending on how much they used.  I suspected that you had power by the nightmares so I did some research, it also says that if an in-human user absorbs the power they can be transformed into a human looking, immortal god.” We were all left flabbergasted by Reid’s sudden burst of knowledge. Was this the same Reid Garwin that said Shakespeare was the shit? Or the same Reid that gets in bar fights over 5 dollars? But anyway Caleb finally decided to come out of shock and boy were we in for it.

Why didn’t you ever tell me, does anyone else know? It was stupid of you to keep this a secret, it could’ve killed all of us do you relies that. God!” He was worried, I had no idea what for but if I asked him why he would just blow up like a balloon and pop.

I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want a reaction like that, like c’mon how scary was gaining power for you huh? But you had friends to help you through it and I saw what it did to you when you found out the other 3 had the same power as yours, you freaked out and stopped talking to them for a year. I needed you more than ever around that time so I thought it would’ve been better if you didn’t know that I had powers.

Astrid you are so stupid I stopped talking to them because every time I saw them they were using and I had enough of it, they were out having fun whilst Dad was dying right in front of us and that was because he got addicted!” He wasn’t as annoyed as he was earlier but he was still upset about the fact that I didn’t tell him.

C’mon man I think she’s had enough of the lecture let’s just let the girl go to bed.” Reid grabbed Caleb’s shoulder from behind and slowly tried to pull Caleb towards him. Caleb swung around and gave Reid the scariest death stare I’ve ever seen. Reid cowed away from Caleb a little, like a dog being put in its place but then Reid stood tall. 

Who died and made you god of MY little sister?” Caleb snapped within mere seconds, he acted like the whole world was against him and Reid was his biggest rival. 

Look at her eyes Caleb, she’s either about to cry or faint from exhaustion.” This was all because of me. I made them like this, they used to be best friends; inseparable even, and now they are constantly down each other’s necks.

STOP!” I shouted as a group of passing by students ran to the door, blocking the view and path of the teachers trying to barge their way through the crowd. Tears were streaming from my eyes and Tyler and Pouge were holding Reid and Caleb back from each other.

“You don’t have a say over her, she’s not yours, she’s my little sister and Dad made me promise him that I would keep her away from people like you!” The pair of them were acting extremely childish and Caleb was trying to escape Pouge’s embrace but even with students around Pouge was using to try and hold Caleb back (thank God he had sunglasses!) and Caleb wasn’t interested in using with students around.

What do you mean by guys like me?”

You’re everything Astrid doesn’t need you’re a trouble making little bastered that will only bring her pain!” Hate-filled words poured out of Caleb’s mouth, I was the only one who could sense that he regretted most of what he was saying. A voice was floating inside my head, broadcasting my thoughts and making them echo throughout my head.

It’s all your fault, all of this is your fault. The fighting, the broken friendship, it’s your entire fault!” The   though was a like a dark whisper, it sent shivers down my spine. The boys were still yelling, the kids were still chanting “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!” The teachers were still trying to burst through the flock of students and the voice was still telling me that everything bad and evil was my fault. Everything around me was my entire fault. My head started pounding and my heart started racing, my chest was hurting and everything was switching between black and chanting school kids. What’s happening to me?


A/N Sorry for the weird spacing guys and for making you wonderful people wait for the next post but truth be told I'm working on three/four stories at once and yeah. The next story I'm thinking of posting is called My safety blanket and I'm really proud of it. AnYwAyS what do you think will happen to Astrid? What will Chase do to try and gain her power? Comment what you think about the story nasty/ nice IDC as long as it helps right? Have a good night/day lovelies. XxxxxxX

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