Chapter 2

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I finally woke up to bright room. The light that came in my room reminded me of heaven. I smiled, and got up to walk to my bathroom.
I turned on the sink and splashed my face with the cold water. I hated it when it took awhile for the cold water to turn hot. I put my hand in the water to check if it got any hotter. It was still cold, "Damn Water".
I shut the water, and turned on my shower.
I slowly took off my top, then pants, then slowly my panties, and lastly my bra. It was so cold in my bathroom so, I hopped in my shower, luckily the water was just right.

I finished changing and hurried down stairs. I grabbed my backpack on my way. I was running late, so I took one of my mom's waffles.
"Sandra, stop taking my waffles."
I laughed, "But I'm running late."
She smiled, "Get on outta here."
I smiled, then left eating my waffle. Halfway down the driveway, someone yells, "Hey Sandra."
I look up and its my friend Taylor, but she likes to be named Tay.
"What's up Tay!"
"Girl, I'm so fucking pissed."
I shook my head and laughed, "I see..."
"Andre said, he was going to take me to school, but I don't see his ass anywhere."
Andre was Taylor's boyfriend. They had this "weird" relationship.
"I'm tired of his shit, like damn...Sandra you there, girl?"
I focused back on her, "Uh yeah."
"Honey, don't tell me you've been taking those pills..." Taylor joked.
I rolled my eyes, "No, I haven't."
We walked to school joking around.
"Oh my god, you are too funny." Taylor laughed.

We finally made it too school, the parking lot was filled up.
"Oh there's that dumbass boy Andre." Taylor said walking over to Andre.
I laughed, that's when I finally remembered.
I hadn't told Taylor about the man I saw the other day.
I closed my eyes and sighed...
I opened them back up slowly to see a little girl right in front of me.
"Hello." She smiled.
I smiled,"Uh...hi there."
She walked away.
That was awkward, all she said was hi...
Anyways, I entered the school and walked to my locker. It was way in the back near the teacher's lounge...great.
A couple of teachers sat in their to eat there breakfast. I looked to see if the man was in there, he wasn't.
I smiled, thank goodness.
I opened my locker and put my stuff in there and closed it back up. All I had in my hand was my books and a pencil.
"Hey babe." Someone called from around the corner.
It was Chris.
"Chris, I'm not your babe, now fuck off." I told him, heading to class.
He hurried after me, "Come on...I'll make you feel wanted."
I rolled my eyes, "I am God."
He smirked, "And me."
I slapped him,"Chris leave me alone you pervert."
I walked away, not caring what else he had to say. He was such a handle.

I finally made it to class, I wasn't the only one in there...
The man I had saw from the other day sat on his desk awaiting his students.
"Oh my god..." I exclaimed, annoyed.
He smirked, "Hello again."
I turned to leave, but he froze me with his words.
"You are under my control now, so I suggest you turn around and sit." He announced.
I slowly turned and sat in the back of class.
He smirked again, and got up and walked my way.
Luckily, a couple of other student came in. He turned away, knowing he would be caught.
I smiled, Thank you fellow classmates.
More and more students filled up the room and before you knew it the bell rang.
"I'm Mr.Poss...I'll be your new Algebra teacher for now on." He spoke
I rolled my eyes...really "for now on..."
"Most of you may know me." He continued, eyeing me like hawk.
One dude raised his hand, and he sluggishly called on him.
"I know you, your my neighbor."
Mr.Poss gave him a forced smiled, "Yeah."
I laughed.
The class laughed as well.
"Anyways, we'll be writing in our journals, about bring your journals out."
"What are we ,4th graders?" Another dude yelled.
"No, but I'll make you one real quick." Mr.Poss protested.
The class quickly brought out journals to write on.
"You may begin."
I rolled my eyes, didn't know what to write.
"Having a hard time?" Mr.Poss smirked as he whispered in my ear.
I hated him.
"Yeah...I guess..." I replied.
He grabbed my boobs and massaged them, "I can help."
It felt so good, but I pushed him hands away.
"No thanks."
He grunted, "I want you to come near the janitor's closet after school."
I looked at him, he must be crazy.
"I'm busy, sorry."
He grabbed my arm, "You will or else."
"Or else what...?"
One of my classmates turned around and he quickly let go of my arm.
"Just do it." He said walking way.
I rolled my eyes, "Idiot."
We were stuck writing in our journals for the whole fucking period. I guess it was some kind of punishment, cause he kept eyeing me...
I wonder what he wants from me, after school...
Only one way to find out...

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