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*contains poorly written sex scene. Lol*


I was walking home from school, when I heard my best friend of like forever, Marcel Styles, right behind me.

"Hey, Emma, you want to h-Hang out tonight?"

I turned around and asked him what we were gonna do.

"W-well, we could watch movies at my place m-my parents aren't home for a few weeks." He stuttered, god he's so adorable.

"Okay, Marcel. Just text me when yeah?"

"O-or we could just go now?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure, I'm just gonna text my mom quick."

I typed up a text and sent it to my mom.

Okay sounds good enough right? I thought as I clicked send.

We just walked to his house talking about pointless stuff.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT MARCEL'S HOUSE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" hey so what movie do you wonna watch?" I asked marcel.

"I d-don't care. Whatever you want t-o watch."

"K" I mumbled as I put in the movie. " so, guess what were watching?" I questioned him.

"I d-don't have a clue." He said quietly.

"Fine, were watching Love Actually." I said knowing he'd get really happy.

"YAYYYY!" He screeched, and ran off to get popcorn.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40 MINUTES LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" this movies really boring marcel."

"No it's not" he replied with an obviously annoyed tone that I just called his favorite movie boring.

" oh, come on Marc, I know you've seen this like a million times. Come cuddle?" I aske putting on my best puppy dog face.

" fine."

"Yay, come ere." He laid behind me, so we were basically spooning. This is totally normal for us. its not like were dating or anything. i don't think of him like that. or, i never really have. i would date him, i just don't think he'd ever really like me. we've known each other since we were practically babies. But after cuddling for like, 20 minutes I could slowly feel a boner rubbing against my bum.

I shifted uncomfortably only to feel the bulge grow bigger.

'DAMN MARCEL. u gotta be freakishly large.' I thought in my head. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Marcel speaking. " well, I don't like to brag but yeah, it's pretty big..."

"Shit, did I say that out loud, I'm so sorry." I said feeling heat rush up my neck onto my cheeks.

When turned around to face him, I saw his eyes were darker than normal, filled with lust, and desire.

" if you think I'm so big, why don't you find out for yourself." He whispered. OMG, his stutters gone and he's so, confident. Me likey.

" no, Marcel, you've never, you know, right?"

His turn to blush ;) " well, no, but. Um, I don't care if its you who i do, d-does it first." He said

"Awe marcel, you don't care or, you want me too?" I said as seductively as I could.

"I want you too, Emma, I really want you too!" He said like he couldn't take it anymore so, me being the nice person I am. Started to pleasure him, oh I'm sorry did I say pleasure, I mean tease him by rubbing my hand up and down his cock through his jeans.

" god, Emma just fucking do it!" He yelled. Damn I like him like this a lot better.

I obeyed and unzipped his pants. And basically forced him to stand up so I could get his damn jeans down. I slowly pulled his pants down along with his underwear, still wanting to tease him. When I finally had them all the way down, I took a chance to look at his dick. And holy fuck, it's huge. Oh my lord. Just thinking about that monster filling me makes me soaked.

I started to pump him slowly. His groans and moans filling the room. I slowly increased my speed, until that bastard shot his cum all over my shirt. This ought a be a fun thing to explain to my parents. Or maybe ill stay here ;)

I think I should help you clean your little friend up." I told him right before I took his huge cock into my mouth. Shit, he started fucking, thrusting into my mouth making me gag, more than I already was. After he came in my mouth, I licked his tip like a lolly. (OMG the JB song with Juicy J) and suddenly he talked after he regained his breath, of course.

"Why don't we finish this in my bedroom, Em?" He asked

"Absolutely," I said. " and what happened to your stutter?" I asked him as he lifted me by my bum and i wrap my legs around his waist.as he carried me to his room.

"I don't know. Maybe it's you." He said and kisses me hard on the lips. (Not like that you sick pervert. Lol

U know all that happens next ;D

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