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Hannah POV:

My boyfriend, Marcel, and I have been planning a day vacation to the beach for as long as I could remember. It took a lot of begging from me to get Marcel to agree to it, you see, he gets very insecure about his body and stutter. I don't know why though, because he has a perfect body and I find his stutter to be absolutely adorable. But anyway, we are on our way to the beach right now. Needless to say I'm really excited.

"Hey M, excited for today yet?" I ask turning to face him in my seat.

"Y-Yeah, I J-Just don-t want t-to have to w-wear, I wa-want to wear m-my shir-t" he said, voice cracking near the end.

"I honestly don't get why you have a problem with being shirtless. Your body is fucking beautiful, I just wanna pounce on you every time I see you shirtless" I mumble right in his ear.

"I-I umm, I-I'm trying t-to drive b-babe"

"I know" I say sitting back in my seat, the car going quiet.

We finally get to the beach about a half an hour later. I take off my cover up as soon as we pull into a parking spot. Ready to get into the water.

"Come on Marcel, hurry upppp" I say/whine.

"I d-don't really think t-that I w-ant to an-anymore H-Hannah" he says lowly.

"Please just come on?" I ask with puppy dog eyes, childish I know, but it gets him every time.

"F-ine" he groans. Knowing he was going to lose the battle anyway and took off his shirt.

I smirk knowing I got what I wanted and that I was going to get to see him shirtless all day. And damn, he has abs, I don't know how he can be in anyway insecure when he looks like that...

"Go f-find so-mewhere to s-sit down, ill b-bring a-all o-ur stuff." He stutters out. After we had both got out of the car, now both In our swimwear.

"Okay babe, you sure you don't want any help?" I ask

"N-No just g-go set up t-he b-blanket p-please."

"Kay" I mumble pecking him on the cheek grabbing our blanket to find somewhere on the sand to sit it out.

I immediately found the perfect spot hardly any people that close to it, I was bending Over, laying out the blanket when I felt a hand smack my ass. I knew it wasn't Marcel because he was too much of a gentleman to do that, In public at least. So I stand up ready to punch whoever it was in the face, only to see that I'd already been beaten to it, as Marcel had him pinned to the ground beating the shit out of him.

I'd decided that no matter how bad I wanted to see this happen I needed to stop him before he killed the dude or someone called the cops.

I eventually pulled Marcel off the guy which was hard considering how strong he was. The unknown guy scrambled away as fast as he could with a possible concussion. Everyone was staring at us, it felt really weird.

When they all finally went back to minding their own business I asked Marcel "Why'd you do that? I could've just slapped the douche?"

"Be-because I don't l-like seeing p-eople w-who are w-ay better l-looking than me t-touch my g-irl, knowing t-that he cou-ld steal you f-from me easily." He said looking down,

"That dickhead couldn't steal me from you ever you're absolutely perfect. And way better in bed I'm sure, because I personally think that is one of your many specialties."

"I-Im sorry I g-got so j-eaolus Hannah."

"It's fine babe lets just enjoy the rest of our day okay?"

"Y-Yeah" he says kissing me passionately, on the beach.A Perfect kiss on the beach.

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