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Cassy P.O.V.

"H-hey Cassy? Do y-you maybe want to, u-um go on a date with me o-on Friday?" Marcel, the school nerd, asks me with a severe stutter. Really, he is kinda cute. I mean. Really his eyes I could just get lost in them. Like I am right now...

I quickly snap out of my trance and answer him. "Yeah, that'd be nice, Marcel" I say.

" y-yeah, okay so, um I may need to you know t-tell you the details so um I m-might need your number." He replies handing me his phone as I pull mine out of my back pocket and hand it to him after I put my code in and get it up to the contacts thing.

After we exchange numbers, he walks away to his locker, and i walk off to my next class. I can hardly see him do a little victory dance, strange kid.

-later that day, 5:34-

OH MY GOD! I hate homework so much. I've been working on it since like 3:00 and I'm just now almost done, almost...

I'm just taking a short break, that won't hurt right? I mean I gotta eat sometime. Right?

As I'm eating my 'LuckyCharms', Excellent dinner right?, Marcel texts me.

OOOOOOHHHHH yeah I almost forgot about him. I'm going out with him on Friday. Shit! Today is Thursday what the heck?!

He said...

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