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~Known each other for 20 days~

[Harry's P.O.V]

As soon as Louis feel asleep I lifted him up and walked him over to the guest room.

I then tucked him in under the blankets before walking back about and cleaning the house. As Niall was passed out too and I had to do the cleaning with Liam.

So now being the next morning. I wake up and groan loudly when my back hurts. Confused, I turn around and see that I was on the floor.

I'm pretty sure I was asleep on the couch last night..

Sighing I slowly get up and massage my back as I do on the process. I look around the now clean house before seeing Liam in the kitchen.

"Sleep well?" He asks chuckling and I glare at him. "No, my back is killing me" I say hissing slightly.

"Why?" He asks as he continues to stir the eggs.

"I slept the wrong way and I somehow ended up on the floor this Morning" I say as Liam laughs.

"Oh how funny, and by the way it's almost 12" he says making me gasp.

"12?! Oh my god I need to to go wake up Lou!" I yell and I'm already running to the guest room downstairs.

As soon as I slam the door open Louis looks at my wide eyed.

"H-Harry?" He breaths out wincing before getting up.

He rushes towards me and embraces me in a hug as I hug back just as tightly.

"I'm so sorry" he cries out into my shirt.

"No that's okay Lou, you were drunk and all I understand" I say and kiss his forehead.

"I-I'm still so sorry" he cries before pulling away and I gasps when I see that he was crying.

"Hey, now shh.. Love hush it's okay i didn't hey offended or angry either baby it's okay" I assure him as he smiles.

He leans on his tippy toes and kisses me as I grin.

"Now why don't we go home? I have a surprise" I say as he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah okay let's go boo" he teases and I chuckle.

We wave to the boys before walking to the car. We get in as I drive home. Louis probably has a hangover anyways.

Speaking of which, he hasn't complained which is odd cuz if I had one I would've been whining.

"Do you have a hangover?" I ask as I see him from the corner of my eye, look over at me.

"Yeah" he mumbles and I nod. "Okay well when we get home I'll give you some pain killers" I say as he hums.


"Harry!! Where are we going?!" Louis whines. I wrapped a blindfold on him and we were currently walking to our destination.

"We've only been walking for like 2 minutes shut up" I scold playfully as he whines again.

"Harry!" He says after about another minute.

"Okay! Okay! Calm your balls were here" I say as he grins.

"Wait is that water that I hear?" He asks and I grin.

I take the blindfold off as he gasps. "Oh my god" he mumbles and looks around in awe.

We were at a small waterfall. No one was there except for us. There was a small waterfall on the left hand side. And there was a few tall and big rocks near it.

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