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~Known each other for 5 days~


[New message from @/mybaby]

Louis- hey Harold

Louis- I'm really bored

Louis- borreeeeedddddd asssssssss fuckkkkkkkkkkk

Harry- calm down I'm right here

Louis- thank god i s2g I was gonna die of bored-ness

Louis- that's not even a word

Harry- you know what's weird? We have each other's numbers but we always text here

Louis- that couldn't be more true

Harry- haha yeah

Harry- so how are you?

Louis- I'm fine and you?

Harry- fine?

Harry- Louis

Harry- what's wrong?!

Harry- Lou

Louis- what?

Harry- you're obviously not okay what's wrong?

Louis- just had a fight with my mum it's all goods :-))

Harry- I don't mean to be nosy but why?

Louis- I'd rather not tell you

Harry- oh

Harry- that's fine

Louis- can we call?

Harry- yes

[Harry's P.O.V]

I scream slightly when I see Louis' number flashing across the screen.

Let's just say I've fallen to like this boy in more than a friendly way.

In debating on weather to ask him out or not.

I click 'accept' and my breath hitches when I hear his angelic voice.

"Hey Harold" he says. He sounds upset. But I don't want to seem nosy.

"Hey Lou" I mumble softly.

"Hey are you okay? You sound a bit.. off?" He asks through the phone.

"I'm okay, and you?" I ask."I'm fine" he says. And whenever someone says their fine, their not but I don't want to ask too many questions.

Hey did-" he starts but is cut off. I listen closely and gasp.

"Louis?! Are you fucking talking to that Harry kid again?" A female voice yells angrily.

"I c-can talk to whoever I want m-mum, his my friend and-"

His cut off and I cringe when I hear a loud slap before the bedroom door slammed closed.

And not seconds after I hear sniffling and Louis crying on the other line.

"Lou?" I call our softly as he gasps through the phone.

"O-oh hey" he says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Nothing" he says though that's bullshit.

"Is that why you had a fight with you're mum? Was it because of me?" I ask. I know it's cuz of me. If not then why did she sound so angry and said my name?

"N-no Harry I'm so sorry" Louis sobs from the other lines any heart breaks. His crying because of me.

"Lou, I think I'd be the best if we stop talking to each other you're mum obviously hates me and I'm hurting you" I say before I hang up not waiting for his reply.

Louis- Harry?!

Louis- Harry please

Louis- I'm so sorry

Louis- Harry

Louis- please

Louis- I know you're reading these

Louis- I'm sorry

Louis- for not being a good friend

Louis- this is why I have no friends

Louis- this is why my family hates me

Louis- I'm suicidal..

Louis- i've tried it before

Louis- I won't hesitate to do it again

Louis- or I might just hurt myself really bad

Harry- STOP



Harry- I know this isn't the right time but I really like you and I was gonna ask you something..

Harry- would you like to be my boyfriend?

Harry- I'm sorry

Harry- I shouldn't have said that..

Louis- I was going to say yes..

Harry- wait you were?

Louis- yeah

Harry- would you like to be my boyfriend?

Louis- yes

Harry- omg, Lou you're honestly one of the most kindest and beautifulest person I've ever spoken too

Harry- I think we should meet soon

Louis- we should, how about next Friday after school I come there?



Harry- (image attached)

Louis- I just came

(How was that? I did 2 update even though I had school I'm really hoping you all appreciate this)

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