
3.1K 126 22


~Known each other for 22 days~


(AN- comment at every text)

[New message from @/thecurlyboy]

Harry- Louis?

Harry- babe?

Harry- omg

Harry- I'm so sorry Lou please

Harry- don't go please I love you

Harry- :'(

Louis- i thought I told you to not to text me!

Harry- love calm down I'm so sorry

Louis- give me a good damn reason to calm down

Harry- cuz I love you a lot and I'm sorry for not saying anything yesterday but there's a story to it

Louis- what's the fucking sorry?!

Harry- my parents both committed suicide because of love and I'm so sorry please :( I got the memories and I'm so fucking sorry

Louis- oh ..

Louis- I'm sorry

Harry- no I am! For not saying anything and leaving you like that

Louis- I guess that's fine..

Harry- I love you.

Louis- guess what?

Harry- oh no :( what?

Louis- I don't love you

Harry- ..

Louis- yeah

Harry- oh okay..

Louis- I love you too

Harry- no you don't

Louis- yes I do I swear I was just messing around babe <3

Harry- promise?

Louis- I promise love :))

Harry- good :) now wyd?

Louis- I was packing everything into boxes I'm moving out soon

Harry- oh yeah

Louis- yeah wbu?

Harry- nothing really really bored :/

Louis- hah

Harry- really? Hah

Louis- yes hah

Harry- well guess what? Hah

Louis- what hah?

Harry- your really annoying hah

Louis- as if your not hah

Harry- hah hah so funny hah

Louis- wtf hah

Harry- stop it hah

Louis- you hah

Harry- you started it hah

Louis- no you did! Hah

Harry- stop hah

Louis- make me hah

Harry- I'm being serious hah

Louis- if you were you would've stopped hah

Harry- nerd much hah

Louis- me nerd? hah hah hah

Harry- stop hah hah hah

Louis- so funny hah hah hah

Harry- I wasn't laughing hah hah hah

Louis- I'll be the mature one and stop

Harry- you ruined the hah's

Harry- :(

Louis- haha okay I have to go I have a ton of hw

Harry- awe okay text me before bed night babe love you <3

Louis- love you more :)

Harry- bye baby kitten hah

(AN- short I know but I'm honestly lot in the mood for anything vote and comment 5+ votes and 10+ comments or no update)

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