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~Known each other for 3 days~


[New message from @/thecurlyboy]

Harry- hey

Louis- hi

Harry- you okay?

Louis- I'm fine

Harry- what's wrong?

Louis- I said I'm fine!!! Wtf?!!

Harry- sorry :(

Louis- ugh I'm sorry.. Just had a really bad day at school

Harry- :( what happened?

Louis- so these guys punched me and they gave me a swirly..

Harry- isn't that the thing where they dunk you're head in the toilet and flush it?

Louis- yeah

Harry- babe, I'm so sorry

Louis- it's okay and omg say that again

Harry- babe

Harry- babe

Harry babe

Louis- okay thanks

Harry- wyd?

Louis- nothing got out of the shower and I'm having a hard time finding clothes

Harry ohhooooo

Louis- (image attached)

Harry- holy fuck!

Louis- likey?

Harry- very likey babe you're cock is so pretty

Louis- I think I just feet butterflies

Harry- awe

Louis- friends don't talk this way Harry

Harry- right sorry

Louis- don't be wyd

Harry- nothing about to go cook dinner..

Louis- what about you're parents?

Harry- their not alive anymore.

Louis- I'm so sorry :(

Harry- it's okay :))

Louis- any siblings?

Harry- had a sis, she left doesn't talk to me anymore

Louis- :(

Harry- how about you?

Louis- 8 siblings and both parents..

Harry- somethings wrong there

Louis- my parents really hate me they hurt me

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