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Mike's POV

My head feels like it's getting hit with twelve hammers.

Don't get me wrong, I love the boys to death, but fucking hell, could they shut up?

Luke was making random noises that would've been cute if they were a few decibles softer, Ashton was talking far too loudly, and Calum was singing terribly with the radio, all while traffic was stopped and horns were going off because at least seven people were late to a meeting.

"Hey, do we have any Advil?" I asked the driver, Carl, quietly. He nodded and told me to look in the back pouch, handing me a bottle of water. "Thanks, Carl."

"No problem, kiddo." He said, still focused on the very slow traffic. I took four of the pills, downing them with water. I leaned back and held my head as Ashton yelled over the music, which they unfairly controlled, and had on the loudest it would go.

We were headed to our hotel in the U.K., and after a twelve-and-a-half hour flight from Tokyo to London with very many screaming babies on board, I was pretty tired and already had a headache, but these three were very energetic and were loud since we got in the car.

"Michael?" Ashton yelled. I held up a hand and lowered it, and he seemed to get he message, turning the music down and smacking the two buffoons on the back of their heads. "You alright?"

"Just be quieter for the rest of the trip, yeah?" I said, not moving my hand from my face.

"Sorry, mate." Calum says, and I give a brief nod, turning off my overhead light and letting them talk quietly.

"Michael?" Luke says softly. I turn my head to acknowledge him, and he places a hand on my shoulder. "You feeling okay? You've been really tired lately, what's up?"

"We're on a worldwide tour, Luke --" I start.

"I know. But still, you've been pretty tired the past few weeks. You sure everything's okay?" I sigh and turn my body so I can reach my phone to text him, knowing that the quiet wouldn't mask anything at all. The good news was that the Advil was starting to work, and it only felt like eleven hammers now.

Luke got the message and got out his phone, quickly texting a small message.

lukey: your insomnia was acting up a week or so ago. is that it?
michael: probably. im just really tired from all the sleepless nights
lukey: how long?

I sighed, not even wanting to count how many days I couldn't fall asleep, at all.

lukey: days? weeks?
michael: about 100 hours, something like that
lukey: and that's, what, four, five days?
michael: sounds accurate, yeah

"Michael, you need to see someone. This isn't normal." Luke scolds. I didn't move my head, having heard this multiple times now. "Get some help."

"I will, alright? It's just not con--"

"Mind filling us in?" Calum asked, and I sighed, sitting up properly so that I could face the two of them.

"Well, I stayed up ninety-six hours straight last week and it's catching up with me, so I've been passing out whenever and wherever. Luke wants me to see a doctor about it, but I really don't have time with the tour and everything right now. I'll schedule an appointment as soon as we get a hiatus, alright? Now stop worrying, please. I'll be fine." And with that, I turned back around and slid into my chair, closing my eyes. "Wake me up when we get there."


I woke up to someone's back against mine, shifting and turning. I tried to ignore it for a bit, but finally I slapped their side and they stopped moving, turning around one final time.

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