1) Riley and Chloe

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Alana's POV
I take a deep breath as I walk into the school nervously, and I hit a locker, and bump into someone "Uh.. sorry" I say nervous

"Hi, I'm Riley" The kind girl with a dance bag says
"Hey" I say "And the other girl?"
"Oh, I'm Chloe, me and Riley are both dancers at the next step dance studio, Thalia and Michelle should be somewhere in the hallway, we're holding A-troupe auditions for nationals.."
"OMG, AWESOME! I've actually been there before with my team from Ottawa, I'm Alana," I say
"Awesome, we have rehearsal after dance would you like to come audition? We have 11 spots being offered, you can audition for one of the spots.. and Michelle is the dance captain if you want me mom can take us all to the studio"

"No, thats ok"
"No, no its fine"
"Ok I guess then"

*After school*

In the car is me, Riley, Michelle, Thalia, Emily, Stephanie and Chloe, plus Riley and Emily's mom
"Thanks for taking me, I'm new here" I say
"No problem" Riley's mom says
"I've actually been to nationals before" I say, not trying to brag
"OMG, awesome how far did your team get?" Chloe asks me
"To the semi finals," I say

Stephanie's POV
I honestly don't think I can trust this new girl Alana, I mean her team has been to nationals and lost at the SEMI FINALS... she's clearly gonna take a spot on the team away from us, she's clearly a threat..

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