2) Nationals Auditions

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Alana's POV
We get to The Next Step, and we get started on learning the routine for the auditions, basicly there are 6 groups with five people, then four groups are left for the last round, witch makes me scared, the routine is super tricky witch means I may not make it into A-troupe
"Group one, Giselle, Emily, Stephanie, Tiffany and Riley" Kate says, Giselle starts dancing to when the war is over, I love the song, she's doing great, and then Emily starts dancing to where did everybody go, its an amazing yet such a tragic solo, and then Stephanie goes up to hanging hats, Tiffany dances to showstoppa and then Riley to We Go I find that their truly amazing songs, I hope to get on the team with them
"Group two, West, James, Chloe, Eldon and Daniel" Kate says
West starts dancing to Open Up, he's doing great James dances to Coming Home, Chloe dances to Never Loved Like This Before, Eldon dances to Oxygen and Daniel dances to Can't Let Go, the dances were all amazing
"The third group is, Alana, Thalia, Hunter, Amanda and Jake" Kate says
I do my solo to When The War Is Over (But the choreography is Amanda's nationals solo song) I can tell this girl is staring at me loving my solo, and then Thalia dances to Empire, Hunter dances to Never Get Lost, so the girls name is amanda and she's doing one to Destiny (Ella's solo from the last episode of season 3 part one) and Jake to Can't Let Go
I dont pay attention to the rest of the dancers auditions... I am in the music room now doing my audition solo as Amanda walks in

Amanda's POV
"Hey" I say "Whats ur name"
"I'm Alana" The girl says
"Cool. you had an awesome nationals audition solo, you look familiar" I tell Alana
"That's because I moved from Ottawa to Toronto, it sucks since I had a lot of friends from my old dance studio, I have an uncle named Lucian but I don't ever see him, and well I was Ms nationals soloist at my old studio last year" Alana says
"Ok, awesome, did you use this solo?" I ask
"No, but I used the same song.." Alana says
Wow, this girl doesn't even know I know she was Ms Nationals Soloist
"I'm Amanda, oh now I know where I've seen you from, you beat my team last year at Nationals, did L.O.D. beat you?" I ask
"Yeah, in the finals" Alana states
"Awe, that does suck, mind if you teach me your nationals audition solo?" I ask Alana vurously, I hope she says yes
"Sure" She says, and she starts teaching me it
Perfect, just perfect... this is amazing...

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