the forward:how it all started

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Zach and Jade were a good couple. They looked cute together, they were fun to be around, her family loved him and he was really sweet to her.

When I met Zach I was dealing with a lot, an eating disorder, some bad family issues and a crappy school year where I threw away my friends, popularity and didn't try to do well in school. When I met him he seemed so perfect. So steady and so mature. He made me feel safe when I was around him. Until he started showing how angry and jealous he was. He would yell at me in front of my friends and he would be really rude to any guy who talked to me. He even punched a guy on our soccer team who checked me out. But I didn't really see an issue with it because he made me feel loved.

Gerk (I know its a weird name) was my first crush. In the 8th grade he was my first kiss. One day we went skiing together with all our friends and he kissed me on the lift. With his freaking goggles on. It was so awkward I just laughed. We were best friends throughout middle school.

Zach pulled his car to a stop in the parking lot of the fair grounds. He looked over at me in the passenger seat. "Stop the crying babes. We got to meet my friends in 5 minuets." He ran a hand through his hair and took of his Raybans and tossed them in the center consul of his Jeep Cherokee. I sniffled and checked my makeup in the mirror that was attached to the visor in the passager seat. Me mascara was kinda smeared. I wiped under my eyes and it just smeared more. Cute. He exhaled loudly.
"Jade honestly we need to go. You can't always make me late fore everything it makes me look bad."
"Fine let's go." I said annoyed as I reached over and grabbed my Steve Madden handbag from the backseat. Zach never let me keep my purse at my feet, he didn't like it for some reason. I slammed the car door, kinda hard. Not to hard or he would get irritated. We walked towards the entrance of the fair. Looking down at my sandals I apologize to them out loud.
"I'm sorry babies. Your going to get really dusty today."
Zach laughed at me and grabbed my hand.
"Your so funny" he said fondly. I smiled at him and scrunched up my nose. He always told me how cite I looked when I smiled like that. As we approached the stand where you pay to enter he released my hand and let his hand brush over my butt. He gave it a quick pat. He handed the man $12 for general entrance and I did the same. As I passed the man the money through the window my wallet decided to puck up all my old receipts.
"Oh gosh." I said as I bent down to pick them up.
"Shit jade," Zach exclaimed "I got it. No don't pick them I got". His voice got louder and more strained with every word.

I walked through the gates and watched him worried. He crumpled them all up in his hand and threw them into the near by trash can.

"So much for returning that shirt". I mumbled as he got closer to me.

"Damn it jade. You already made us late enough and they you had to drop all that shit. I'm so pissed-". He got cut off as his phone rang.

"Hey mark my man." Pause.

" Nah we just got here." Another short pause,

"oh you know of course Jade had to stop and get coffee." He looks my way and scowled. I hear Mark laugh. Zach changed his expressions and looked at me with a soft tone.
"Ya she is pretty amazing. Okay will I'll see you in a few." He hung up the phone and started walking towards the food and rides area.
"Mark said he's glad you'll be there tonight." I smiled at the ground as we walked in sync.
"He's really nice"
"Jade I don't want you thinking about him like that."
"No Zach I mean I think he's a nice friend for you to have."
"Well baby you've though many guys were nice friend before."
I slowed my walking and shook my head. Early on in our relationship I told him I got with my ex's friend after he cheated on me. He loved to bring up my mistakes.
I see an outdoor table filled with Zach's friend and a few girls I've never seen before. They wave and Zach slow jogs up to the table and high fives the guys.
"Boys how are we tonight. Baby come here and say hello to the fellows!"
I walk up and smile warmly at them. Zach likes it when I'm nice to his friends. He wants them to like me. He puts his hand on my lower back as I bend down to kiss one of the guys on the cheek.
"Helloooo friends". They all shout hi at me from around the full circular table. Mark speaks up and says

"Y'all move over and make room for the beaut and her beast." Zach forces a laugh. Loud. Too loud.
The waiter pulls up two chairs next to each other.

Zach puts his hand on my thigh and gives it a quick squeeze and smiles. "Know what you want for lunch baby?"
I nod my head and glance back at the menu. I blurt out the name of a salad. He hates it when I take a long time ordering.
"That sounds good love." He waves a pretty waitress with really ugly blond hair that's obviously dyed from a box. Zach always says girls who dye their hair normally look trashy. He orders for us quickly. As she walks away he looks in her direction. Checking out her ass. I stare at him him with a straight face until he notices. He forces a chuckle and kisses my cheek. The next hour we eat and talk around the table. I glace out at the rides we are going to ride. As I look out I see a group of boys, one of them is look in my direction. I cant see his face but I know he's looking.

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