moving onto the bext season

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"Jade, hun what's wrong?" My Aunt opens the curtains and the sunlight comes streaming in.

Squinting from the sunlight and relieved to see my beloved aunt I say, "Aunt Kay I really need to talk to you about something."

She nods and her face drops into a concerned frown. She sits at the end of my bed and waits for me to continue talking.

"I broke up with Zach. And I feel glad because it was the right thing for me to do, but sad and ashamed for dome reason because, well I'm not really sure why I feel sad."

"Baby cakes," aunt Kay always has fun nicknames for me, "you just got to do what is right for you. If the boy wasn't right for you then I trust that you did the right thing by ending things with him. If he wasn't right for you then I'm proud of you for recognizing that and removing yourself for the situation. Zach was like a season in your life. You enjoyed it and it was fun and right for a while. But eventually you have to put those summer dresses in the closet and move onto the next season. There's great stuff waiting for you in the next season. Like sweaters and knees highs with dresses..." She giggles and looks at me.

I let what she says sink in. Besides her analogy being silly, it made sense. It was time to move onto the next season. I thank her and she leaves my room after kissing my forehead.

My next season required me to find out who my "savior" was.
I hoped into Sydney's Lexus and she greeted me with a "heyy boothang"

Smiling I listened to her complain about Marks newest screw up. My thoughts started to drift to who my "savoir" could possibly be.

"You know what that fool said to me? Jade. Jade? Jade!"

"Oh sorry Syd. Um ya that's so messed up!"

Rolling her eyes she said "Jade what were you thinking about."

Sheepishly I think of how to explain my new obsession with my savior. "Um remember that guy who punched out Zach a few weeks ago?"
I pause waiting for her to nod. "Uh well him. I was thinking about him. I really want to figure out who he is."

Sydney looks at me and then at the road and then back to me. "I know who he is."
She barley gets the words out before I practically scream


She starts laughing hysterically. "I didn't know you cared" she manages to say between attempting to gasp for air.

Suddenly I am very frustrated. I thought about him for weeks and I needed to know him. I needed her to take this seriously.

She must have seen my solemn face and she said calmly, "don't trip, I'll take you to him."

Before I can oppose she gets off the freeway and we head down a road that is populated by houses that are run down and spray painted. Nervously I looked at Sydney. She looked right back at me and said the most comforting words,

"Yo don't worry one bit."


xoxo- meeee ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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