35) Train Graveyard

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I never want to see another train again after we defeat Deepground. Everywhere I look, there are rusty trains. Smelly, ugly, rusty trains. I never want to see another rusty piece of scrap metal. I never want to see another locomotive. I never want to see another toppled vehicle. I never want to see a toppled, locomotive shaped, rusty piece of scrap vehicle.

We fight our way through Deepground soldiers as usual. When we finish one particular group, a small group of WRO members stop us. "Mr. Valentine! Some of us... We missed our landing point." The one woman turns to us. "This looks like Sector Seven slums. The train graveyard."

"Yes it does," I reply flatly. Get to the point. The woman salutes.

"Sir, I've received a radio transmission reporting the remaining air squads have reached the upper plate and joined the group forces." And Cid? 

"Fine," I say, moving past her. She cringes, dropping her hand to her side. I can feel Violet giving me a look when the woman speaks again.

"Uh... Sir?" I turn and glare at them, irritated with her indirect statements. "Er... Requesting permission to accompany you until we have reach the complex!" I glance at Violet's raised eyebrow before turning my back to them. 

"Do as you wish." The squad smiles at each other, saluting in unison.

"Sir! Thank you, sir!"

"Give him a break," Violet huffs."He's a Turk, not a general.

"But I'm a general!" David pipes up, earning him plenty of strange looks. The WRO members mutter about him together before following me like a huddle of lost baby birds. Violet hurries to catch up to my side, though I don't acknowledge her. The seven of us fight our way through a small warehouse. Thankfully, David does indeed prove himself useful in battle, saving a WRO soldier more than once. On the other side of the warehouse, Deepground members are more spread out, making it easier to take them out. Once we've killed that group, the group following asks for a short break to reload. I sigh and wait impatiently. The woman tugs her beanie down on her head, smiling. 

"You know, I was born in Midgar. My brother and I used to play here all the time. My mom didn't approve, though. After she died, my brother joined a Shinra resistance group, but was killed when the plate fell and... I can't believe this place is still here." Her voice trembles and she shakes her head. Heavy footsteps rush toward us, a single man skidding to stop. 

"Lieutenant! Soldiers!" Violet frowns, turning around to face him. 


"Reinforcements," I clarify lowly, brushing past her gently. She huffs and follows me into battle. One of the WRO soldiers dies during the fight, David looking down at him sadly. In the next building we enter, the WRO superior is waiting for his troops. 

"Commander!" The woman cries. The commander is the same one that helped us in Kalm. Did David help consume those souls then too? Did he know we were alive? No, he couldn't have. 

"Vincent Valentine. Violet Crescent. Thank you for your assistance." He salutes and Violet nods.

"No problem." He drops his hand.

"To reach the central complex, you must proceed through this maze of decommissioned train cars. However, I have received reports that beyond the graveyard are some of the enemy's most powerful defenses." David sighs, crossing his arms.

"You got that right."

"Alright, I'll see what we can do," I answer, starting to leave. 

"Wait! I can't let you go without backup!"

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