39) The End

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"Omega... He's growing," Shelke says flatly. I shake my head, continuing to stare at the ground. "Vincent... you have to go. Violet is no longer..."

"I know that," I growl, glaring up at her. The pain passed in less than two minutes, my hardened heart bearing it like my other burdens from the past. 

"... Vincent, her soul could be within Omega. All that die are sent there. They'll be freed once you defeat him." Then why don't I believe you?  "Vincent, please. Everyone's life depends on you now."

"I know," I sigh, forcing myself to my feet. Chaos rumbles throughout my body and I allow him to take over. He takes his large handgun tightly and flies off to fight Omega, landing on a rooftop. 

Kill him.

No need to ask, Host.

Chaos has no trouble fighting his way through Omega's small guardians, shooting down the enemies instead of shredding them with tooth and claw as he normally might. The path to Omega is no problem as he flies, clearing the way. In fact, the only problem is Omega's shield. It suddenly explodes, a beam of light pushing at Chaos and shoving him back toward the edge of the reactor he stands on. Something blocks the beam for half a second, Cloud landing firmly on the ground below and pulling out his phone. "Sorry about the wait."

Tifa flips down from the sky as well, landing farther away from him. "Everything's clear over here!" Barret raises his gun arm to the sky and fires rapidly. 

"They're all yours now, Vincent!"

They don't know what's happened.

A building to Chaos' right explodes on Reeve's command, Yuffie cheering and bouncing around. Shelke makes eye contact with my demon, nodding in encouragement. But they're happy for now; let them have it. My sorrow will never end, it seems. 

"Guess I have no choice," I mutter. "It's time... to save the world." And perhaps even Violet. Chaos hurries toward Omega, flying with so much momentum that dark streams of light seem to be following his every movement. The light surrounding him grows into the appearance of amethyst fire, the purple flames forcing their way through Omega's barrier and letting us shoot through, vanishing through Omega's eye. Chaos flies through tunnels of gold and brown at high speed, shooting his way through blocked walls and more guardians. 

Finally, he comes to a high stack of stairs that don't allow him to fly up to next level. Instead, he glides up the stairs, past the screaming souls that plague the room. We come to a room of blue and fly through the next wall, a spray of glittering particles following us back out into the night sky. Two shuriken-like guardians approach Chaos, though they're easily defeated just as the others were. The Protomateria flashes brightly, reacting to the glowing ring over Omega's head; Chaos flies through it.

The world around him is merely a large, waist deep pool of water. Chaos wades through the misty area, his senses all spiked just in case. A large circle of diamond shaped foes sprays out of the water from below where a large beast resides. The reflection of it's large pink head and gray body ripple across the surface of the lake as the diamonds shoot out, aiming their sights on Chaos. Each diamond peels open to reveal a crystal that summons more of those shuriken monsters. Ignoring the floating offspring of the diamonds, Chaos rushes straight toward the diamonds themselves and attacks them viciously without using his gun. Each explodes as he finishes them off, scorching his hardened flesh. 

After all of the crystal feelers have been destroyed the beast itself rises from the water, a stone engraving of Weiss on the very front of it. The rippling surface of the monster drips with clear liquid, three red tentacles holding the creature to something beneath the waves. Chaos shoots its peach colored membrane rapidly, destroying the round monster's soft outer shell. No blood drips from the open wounds; the orb simply begins to explode in rapid points through the bullet holes. 

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