Chapter Five

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It was quickly getting late, but no one seemed to notice—or care.

Sabrina laughed and joined in on the cheering along with the crowd that had gathered around Jake's side of the table. The crowd had began to diminish in Adam's apartment, but the few remaining were either lounging around or cheering on the poker game being played.

When the last player folded, he became the proud winner of two packs of gum, three chocolate bars, and a pack of sour gummy bears. Jake gathered his winnings and swiped them into a brown paper bag. He turned and handed it to her.

"Here, baby. We're rich."

Sabrina grabbed the bag from him, a little taken aback by the endearment. She knew guys threw that word out arbitrarily, even to women they weren't dating. But there was nothing casual in the way Jake called her baby. And, if she was honest with herself, she kind of liked it.

When Jake rose from his seat, the men at the table protested, calling for one more game. At the friendly heckling, Jake stopped. "Okay, you punks. Last game." He turned to her. "Is that cool?"

"Yeah, sure. Go for it." His consideration warmed her heart. He'd already played two hands and probably believed she was getting bored standing on the sidelines. Not that she wasn't interested but she had no clue how the game was played and could only guess at what was going on. "I'll just go see what Dee's up to."

"Don't leave without saying 'bye."

She stifled a smile. "I won't."

Jake nodded and without warning planted a quick kiss full on her lips. She stared at him, astonished. For a minute, she wondered if he was drunk, but there was a sharp intensity in his direct gaze that indicated he was fully aware of what he'd just done.

"For luck," he murmured then fell back into his seat.

Still stunned, Sabrina made her way to the bathroom. She stared back at her dazed expression, running her fingers over her lower lip. She could still feel the firm, warm imprint of his lips against hers, could still taste the cool crispness of the beer he'd had earlier. A slow smile stretched across her face. Sabrina knew she was treading on dangerous ground, but for tonight, she didn't care. It had been a harmless peck. One she was grateful Dee hadn't witnessed or she would never hear the end of it.

At the thought of her best friend, Sabrina realized that she hadn't seen Dee in a while. She left the bathroom and went to find her, but a quick search of the apartment yielded nothing. Sabrina frowned. Dee wouldn't leave the apartment without telling her, but not seeing her friend was starting to make her worry.

Sabrina started toward a group that lingered near the kitchen, hoping they would remember the pretty black girl she'd come in with. But before Sabrina could reach them, the bedroom door swung open with a crash and everyone turned toward the noise. Sabrina released a sigh of relief when she saw Dee come out, but it quickly melted away when she saw the fierce frown on her best friend's face.

Sabrina went up to her. "Dee, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm ready to go now."

Before Sabrina could press her for answers, Adam appeared at the doorway of the dimly lit bedroom, a ferocious scowl on his dark face.

Sabrina looked from him to Dee and began in a low voice, "Dee, what the—?"

"I said nothing," she interrupted. "Let's just go, okay?"

Sabrina studied her friend, worried by her sudden agitation then she swung her glare at Adam. He leaned against the doorjamb, a dark brow raised.

"What did you do to her?" she snapped.

First Love: Jake & Sabrina (interracial romance) *completed story* {prequel}Where stories live. Discover now