Chapter Seven

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Stuck up. High maintenance. Stubborn. Workaholic.


Jake went over all the reasons he needed to move on from Sabrina Monroe, but none of those trivial flaws could change how he felt about her.

Or how he'd felt these past few days.

Lashing out at her because of her values had been low. Not only did he feel like the biggest jerk around, Jake also felt like shit for the things he'd said to her. She had called him an asshole, and she was right. After reflecting on their heated argument that night, he realize he had been arrogant and selfish. He couldn't say he blamed her. For a guy who was head-over-heels for a woman, he was really messing things up. And he was willing to admit when he was wrong and give her the space she wanted.

But not today.

Jake glanced at the time, wondering if he'd gotten to the office too early. He had spent the weekend thinking of ways to apologize to her and wanting to do it the moment she came in. He hadn't found the right words yet, so he figured he'd just be honest. He screwed up. He'd never wanted a woman so desperately as he wanted Sabrina—flaws and all—and the last thing he wanted to do was drive her away.

It was a little before eight thirty in the morning when she finally walked over to where he stood beside her cubicle. Friday seemed like a long time ago, and he could only hope that he hadn't messed things up so much that she refused to speak to him.

He watched as she approached, but her expression remained aloof.

"Excuse me." She didn't look directly at him.

Jake stepped aside, and she walked into her cubicle. She placed her bag down and turned on her computer. It was obvious she was fully prepared to continue going about her task as if he wasn't standing right there.

"Sabrina, can we talk?"


At least he wasn't getting the silent treatment. "Please."

"I need to get to work." She sat down at her desk and began scrolling through her emails.

Jake gritted his teeth. If she didn't want to talk, fine. He just needed her to listen. "Look, I know you're still pissed with me and I don't blame you. I just want to say that I'm sorry for the other night. I was angry at how things were turning out between us and I lost my temper."

Her mechanical movements stilled, but still she refused to look at him. He came fully into her cubicle, but she kept her attention on the computer screen and he couldn't pick up anything from her. She was good. Maybe I should have her play a hand of poker at Adam's party next time, he thought absently.

"I want to be with you, Sabrina. And not just as friends. But if that's all you're offering, then I'll take what I can get." He paused, trying to gauge any reaction from her. Nothing. "I know I probably blew my chance with you," he continued, releasing a heavy sigh. "But if the offer is still available, I'd really like us to be friends again."

She remained silent, but there was an unnatural stillness in her that said she was listening to every word. At least he hoped so.

"I'll be down at the cafeteria every day at noon. At the same spot in the back. Maybe you can find some time to join me sometime."

With that, he left her cubicle. Jake couldn't accept that she would never speak to him again. He hadn't lied about wanting them to be friends. As much as he wanted to be able to see her, to touch and kiss her...and even make love to her someday, he also wanted the conversations again. He wanted the lightheartedness and the smiles. She obviously had strong convictions about work and romance, and like she'd said, he needed to respect that.

First Love: Jake & Sabrina (interracial romance) *completed story* {prequel}Where stories live. Discover now