Chapter Eight

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"Jake, it's against company protocol to reassign company equipment without proper authorization. You know that, right?"

Jake clenched his teeth as he endured the reprimand from the IT director. He was having one shitty week, and this one took the cake. No harm had been done by setting up Sabrina with the new equipment the department had lying around. The new system he'd set her up with hadn't even been assigned to anyone, which was why he'd set it up for her to begin with. Hell, he'd even told his manager about what he'd done. Yet, instead of being grateful that one of the company's employees was now working on reliable equipment, they felt the need to slap his hand for breaking some stupid company policy. It was a damn joke. He really needed to start looking for a new gig.

"This is the second notice I've received about you reassigning equipment," Ray continued. "Both times for Sabrina Monroe?"

Jake frowned at the older man. Was he referring to the old piece of shit he'd swapped out on her first day? How the hell did he know about that?

"She needed a new computer. Hers had died, and she had an urgent meeting to prepare for." He might be stretching the truth, but Sabrina had been desperate to get to work and he had only wanted to help.

"I understand that," the willowy thin man said. "Which is why we hadn't confronted you about it sooner, though in hindsight, perhaps we should have. Now, this makes it twice that you've gone against company policy and, unfortunately, we're going to have to set an example that things like this cannot be tolerated."

Jake gaped at the older man, the muscles in his gut clenching. It suddenly dawned on him what must have happened.

Fucking Dale Connors.

Jake knew without a doubt that he was behind this. The man's taunting words rang clearly in his head. Or you'll do what? Break my computer? Or swap it with a broken one? Don't you think you've done enough of that?

Dale must have told Ray about the computer-swapping Jake had done for Sabrina on her first day. The only other person who had known about it had been Sabrina. It made sense that she would confide in the bastard.

"So, am I fired?" Jake asked though he already knew the answer.

Ray sighed. "We appreciate all the work you've done here, Jake. And you're more than welcome to use me as reference, but unfortunately, we're going to have to terminate your contract early. Tomorrow will be your last day."

With that, Jake was dismissed. It burned him to think that he'd wasted his time in a company like this. If he had his way, he'd tell them where they could shove their policies and walk the hell out of there. But he wouldn't be stupid and burn the last bridge he had at this company. Ray's reference could come in handy in the future.

He'd been contacted by a few headhunters, though he hadn't seriously considered any of them, thinking he would make his start someplace else. Now that he had one good reason to stay in Chicago, Jake began to seriously contemplate accepting the last offer he'd been presented with. It was with a small start-up, and the pay wasn't great, but the opportunity for more autonomy and growth was there. He could make it work.

Instead of heading back to the IT room, Jake headed to the elevators and up to the marketing department. He thought of leaving a note when he didn't find Sabrina at her desk, but decided against it. He had an idea of where she probably was and headed to the small conference room her team often used. Since tomorrow was his last day at the company, he would steal whatever time he could to be with her tonight.

Jake hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but when he heard Sabrina's next words, he hesitated before going into the conference room.

"I'm sort of...seeing someone right now."

First Love: Jake & Sabrina (interracial romance) *completed story* {prequel}Where stories live. Discover now