Chapter Nine

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One month later...

"Happy birthday, babe." Sabrina handed Jake the small box, her heart thudding in her chest.

Jake looked at her curiously, and then took it from her outstretched hand. "Another one? If you're not careful, I'm going to get used to this."

Sabrina laughed and took the seat beside him. "Well, don't. I just wanted to wait until everyone left." She leaned against his arm and propped her chin on his shoulder.

They had just seen the last few of their straggling guests out. With Adam's help, she had managed to wrangle all of Jake's close friends to her place, and a good number had turned out to celebrate Jake's thirtieth birthday. It had been something she'd immediately started planning the night of her own birthday party that Dee had thrown for her. Jake had casually mentioned not remembering the last time he'd had a birthday cake. That had been unacceptable to her, and Sabrina was glad she'd been able to make tonight happen for him.

Despite the misunderstanding between Adam and Dee, her best friend had managed to set aside her embarrassment long enough to face him again and help them set up. Adam with all his easygoing nature, had declared the misunderstanding "water under the bridge," and that had been that. Jake's party had been a success and she couldn't ask for more.

Now that it was over, Sabrina was glad to finally have her man all to herself.

"Did you enjoy the party?"

"Yeah. Very much. Thank you." He turned and kissed her, lingering long enough until they were both left breathless. With a ragged sigh, he rested his forehead against hers.

Her own breathing was unsteady, and her body craved his.

The past few weeks he'd been true to his word. He had given her space and time to decide when and where they would make love. But it was getting harder and harder to deny herself—and him. As of late, every kiss and touch was an erotic tease, and he would end them before they could truly catch the fever. But now, she knew in her heart of hearts she was ready for him.

Sabrina pulled away from him and glanced down at the small box in his hand. "Are you going to open it?"

He tore his heated gaze from hers and chuckled. "Oh, right. What is it?" He shook the box for good measure. "Another purse?"

She punched his arm in mock outrage and he laughed. "I told you that was a messenger bag," she said, defending the charcoal gray designer bag she had presented him earlier that night. "And you said you liked it."

"I do, baby." Jake nuzzled her neck. "I was just teasing." Having his lips on that sensitive area made her shiver, and she closed her eyes. He lingered there and she clutched at his shoulder, her fingers gripping his shirt. It had been weeks of this, and it was becoming impossible to control herself. She was ready for him.

More than ready.

"Jake..." His name came out in a breathy whisper.

"Hmm?" He passed his tongue lightly across the warm skin at the base of her neck.

"The box," was all she could manage.

"What about it?"

"Open it."

He lingered a few seconds longer then pulled away from her with a heavy sigh. He returned his attention to the small gift in his hand as Sabrina tried to bank the flames he had built inside her.

He quickly tore open the box, and she kept her gaze trained on his face to gauge his reaction. When he noticed what was inside, he lifted the single key.

First Love: Jake & Sabrina (interracial romance) *completed story* {prequel}Where stories live. Discover now