2-Mr. Right

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Mitch's POV:

"Did I interrupt something" Kirstie says 

"No not at all" i say grabbing her in a hug 

I hear her sigh in relief. Phew that was close.

**skipping most of them hanging out**

I was scrolling through twitter with kirstie looking at cute guys cause what else are you going to do with your best friend? (Am i right ladiez) 

"Dayum look at dat jawline" I say which makes Kirst laugh.

Kirstie's POV:

"Girl we need to find you Mr. Right!" Mitch announces. (A/N Triptyq refrence anyone?)

"What?" I question

"We need to find you  cutie"

At this point I can feel my face go red and my palms go sweaty. I already found Mr. Right though. The guys just don't know it yet.

"Umm...erm i think i need to go now Mitchell! Bye scott" I say giving them big bear hugs.

Scott POV: 

"What was that all about?" 

"Idk we didn't talk about anything more than our usual boy talk so idk whats up with her."

A/N: How are you guys enjoying my story so far? Disclaimer my grammar sucks so don't kill me please<3 

**In Avi's Voice** "Dont forget to to comment, vote, and stay tuned for more updates" 

Love in Hiding-Kavi/PentatonixWhere stories live. Discover now