Chapter 9

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Taylor's POV

I know the lights are off, all of them are already sleeping, but i can't sleep there and just go with the flow?! I rather die than picking that idea.

I'm here alone inside of our kitchen trying to look at the refrigerator, looking at it, evey single inch of it, because i'm already bored,

I'm tired already, it's already 3 in the morning but still i'm up. I just can't do it, i just can't sleep there with the boys, but i just realize, do i really have to do this thing, letting myself to feel alone and don't let myself sleep and just sit here for a long time? Well, i guess i don't have anymore choices, i have to sleep there and face everything And be strong.

So i sneak out the house, from kitchen to the room. I don't want to disturb their beauty sleep. So i occupied the huge space of the house with my mini steps touching the ground,

When i was about to open the door, suddenly the doorknob twisted already and i know someone will go out of the room, so i run through the kitchen again, and hide.

"Who was that?" The voice of Edward i heard, and i think he is headinb through the bathroom. When i heard the slam the door of the bathroom, so i ran to the bedroom with my mini steps again touching the steps, still sneaking out,

I twisted the door knob carefully, i found a bed, with free space, but i don't know who is this at my side, the light was off, if i'll switch the lights, i'll be mean to them, so i don't care about it anymore, i lay on the bed, and finally rest my back and my eyes.

Sleep tight Taylor.

Edward's POV

It was too cold at girls room, and i'm not used to their bed and that cold made me pee. So i go straight to the bathroom, and pee there,

After  taking some minutes, yeah, it maybe too much time to pee, well that's me, i walked again through the room and find my bed, seems somebody was there! Who the hell is that?

I sleep beside Luke, and who's that? I turned on the light, even though it will make me mean to them,


"Ta-taylor? Oh my god!" I saw Taylor hugging Luke and Luke's arms are wrapped around Taylor's body and his foot was in Taylor's.

I decided to wake up the boys, so they can see what just happened.

"What? Early in the morning, you're trying to wake us? What kind of people are you? So mean." Thomas said and his tone was too girlish.

"Stand up guys, and check this out." I said, and then they all stand, and i point out Luke and Taylor,

"Fuck!" They said at the same time, and they shouted very loud and i signed them to lower their voices because they almost waken up Luke, because Luke moved,

"What was that?" I looked at the back and it was Ashley. Then suddenly she look at Taylor and Luke,

"Fuck!" She shouted, like it is too loud, and it awaken Luke,

"What-who's that? Guys, why are you watching me sleeping?" He asked weirdly.

"We're not watching you sleeping, we are watching you two sleeping." I said as i looked at Taylor to let him know that he's beside her.

"Ta-taylor?" Luke said,

"What?" Taylor said as she sit up and rub her eyes, "Why are you guys, around me?" Taylor asked still rubbing her eyes, "We are around you two guys." I said, then Taylor just widen up her eyes.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry. I did not know that you are the one at my side, i have to go outside." Taylor said and i know she was ashamed. Then Ashley followed her,

"Guys, how did that happen?" Luke said with his weird face,

"I don't know, but guys, let's have breakfast." Andrew said,

"Okay let's go. But i can't still get over from that." Luke said and then all of us stood up and walked straight outside and the other girls was there, still sleeping.

"Um, Ashley, can we make some breakfast for them?" Andrew asked Ashley, "Of course, we can. Hope they'll be good." Ashley said,

Then they walked straight to the kitchen to cook, then Taylor followed Ashley at the kitchen, and i know she was very embarass for what happened earlier, i know until now.

"Um, Taylor." Luke said,

But Taylor is not minding Luke,

"Taylor, how did you get in the bed?" Luke asked very confusingly.

"Don't ask about it please. It's a long story. It's not my fault that i put myself sleep by your side, the lights was off." Taylor said,

"But how? Edward was on my side." Luke said but he's like whispering,

"I peed, i walked through the bathroom to pee, and then i come back she's at you side, your hands was wrapped around Taylor's with the match of your foot was wrapped to Taylor too. You should feel more embarass than Taylor, Luke." I explained,

"Oh My Gosh!" Taylor said and finally she giggled!

"Oh Taylor, we miss your giggle, finally i make you giggled. New accomplishment of Edward, put it on the history guys" I said,

"Yeah so-" Taylor was cut off  by her phone who just vibrated to her pocket and i know it's a text message. "Sorry guys, i have to reply at this. Just call me if breakfast ready." Taylor added,

"Who's that Taylor?" Ashley said with her teasing tone.

"It's Jairo remember? Last night?" Taylor said, and then Ashley bumped her waist to Taylor's and Taylor said, "Stop!"  and then she walked to the place with the strong signal.

I looked at Luke, and his eyes where telling me, "What?"
I thought he's jealous.

"Stop Edward or else." Luke said,

"What? I'm just looking at you? Dude! Why are you so mean!" I shouted at him, but i'm playing with him,

"I know at your eyes, there's a meaning. So stop." He said, but i just glared at him, started ro watch Andrww and Ashley cook.

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