Chapter8: Teaser

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It took her a moment to realize she was no longer alone. Her eyes were slowly adjusting, coming into focus with the darkness. Her muscles, locked from fright, melted into an almost relaxed tension. Eventually, the ambient darkness faded into a steely gray. Soon Wendy could make out a few features of the silhouette before her. Shaggy damp hair clung tightly to the forehead & hung just above the eyes. Slowly, the skin was subtly illuminated, like a glowing comfort was lit within the body. A wide, strong chest became more prominent, a shadowy jawline became noticeable. Wendy saw that it was a young man.

She did not scream, she did not gasp. She did not breathe. She did not move. She couldn't take her gaze away from his face. She knew these eyes, these green gems; they haunted her for some time. Such a familiar flutter entered her stomach. It was not fear, but an almost erie relief.

The green eyes wandered over her, taking in all the satin, silk, & skin that could be seen. Wendy suddenly felt very vulnerable, very exposed. No man had ever seen so much of her skin. The night gown clung smoothly to her every curve. The young man's lips parted, pulling in long breaths, as if his lungs were bottomless.  Wendy felt her heart beat faster.

The green eyes fell upon her chest where her heart lie, scanning the exposed skin. Was it so loud he could hear it too? While he looked Wendy over in an almost religious pattern, his hands flexed against her wrists; she was still locked in his grip. His chest rose & fell, the muscles rippled in his arms. Wendy was fascinated by his strange dim golden glow. The heat from his body radiated over her like the summer sun, a sensation she hadn't felt in so long.

When blue & green reconnected, Wendy saw a hint of newfound sensuality resonating within the lush of overgrown wilderness. Those eyes were filled with an entire different world, a different life than Wendy's. She watched as they suddenly fell upon her left cheek. The young man leaned forward, carefully studying the mark of desperate authority left behind by a large hand. Wendy froze, her back stiffened as she felt his breath trickle over her lips & cheek. Her mouth trembled. The two were only inches apart. He reached his hand to her face.

A knock thumped on the door, & the young man vanished.

Wendy's hair lithely flitted around her before finally settling down her back & around her shoulders. Another knock was followed by "Wendy?"


The door was being opened slowly & a sliver of light shone through the crack.

"Are you decent?" John asked quietly. Wendy darted to the quilts & pulled one around her shoulders hurriedly.

"Uh, yes. Come in."

The door was opened fully, light from the hallway filtered through onto the carpet & her bed. John entered her room & almost shut the door, but was met with a lack of light.

"What? No candles, Wendy?"

He stumbled into the side of her bed before catching himself.

"Where are the matches?" John sighed.

"There," Wendy replied, pointing to the top drawer of her vanity. John struck one quickly, & lit two candles, placing them on the night stand beside Wendy. She hadn't noticed the tray on the bed until John pulled the chair next to her. It had two cups, two spoons, a bowl of sugar cubes, jar of honey, & a grand pewter teapot, steaming from the spout. He picked up a ceramic cup & placed it in Wendy's hand after pouring honey into it.

She stared for a moment at the tray, where she thought she saw a reflection of two green pearls.

"Ahem," John cleared his throat. Wendy's sharp intake of breath & eye contact indicated to John to he had her attention. Liquid filled & warmed the cup in her hand. She lifted it to her nose as John plopped two sugar cubes into her cup.

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