Chapter10: Into a Nonspatial Continuum

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Wendy hadn't seen her mother smile so broadly in months; maybe even years.

"Yes, Wendy, oh my dear sweet girl," Mrs. Darling said softly to hold back her joyous tears. "Michael is awake." She kissed Wendy's forehead with such delight, but Wendy was nervous from the fuzzy thoughts of the night before. The strange boy that planted strange but beautiful thoughts & hopes within her heart. It brought her a certain melancholy, & she became anxious to see Michael.

"How is he awake?"

"Oh, I don't know, my dear," Mary boasted, smile peeling from ear to ear. "But he is awake & that must be a step in the right direction." Wendy gathered her robe around her shoulders & followed her mother into the hallway. Words from last night trickled through her mind:

I am here to give you a gift of peace.

Was this the peace he spoke of?

The walk to the former nursery seemed to stretch & become an infinite loop of footsteps. The palms of Wendy's hands were slick from fear, fear of the unknown, fear of answers. Fear of seeing Michael in a state worse than yesterday. She recalled it all; so much had passed within such a short span. She realized that time was a useless measurement, only kept for a schedule. & what was a life with a schedule? Too many things change, too many things sway opposite of a schedule.

Before realizing, Wendy and Mary had arrived at the nursery door. Wendy was frozen, & adrenaline was pulsing throughout her. Mrs. Darling turned to Wendy & sighed.

"Wendy, it is alright. Your father is off to work. It's just us today." She paused, trying to mask the heartache that rippled into her soft aging features. "He will not hurt you again, Wendy."

"I'll be in shortly, mother," Wendy interrupted. She had no desire to speak of her father. After several seconds Mrs. Darling nodded, & returned to her bed ridden son.

Mary closed the door behind her.

Wendy found herself alone in the hallway. The door was the only thing between her, & a time capsule large enough to hold every bit of her childhood. But now, the door didn't look so grand, & it had lost much of it's luster. The door knob had tarnished; it felt rough & cold under Wendy's fingers.

"Where is she, mother?"

Wendy heard the faint question from Michael. She didn't bother waiting for their mother to respond. With little effort, Wendy opened the door. Morning sun poured in from the great window, casting a luminous warmth on everything. For a moment, Wendy couldn't breathe. So long had it been since she experienced the morning's glow. It was so different, seeing it now as she used to. When she was young, she completely took it for granted. There were still rainbows resonating from the crystal chandelier above the center of the room, the sun danced gracefully through it. Even the air around them felt thick with memories unspoken. She could almost hear the laughter the three siblings shared together for many years.

"Wendy!" Michael said with as much enthusiasm as his tired little body would allow. Wendy's mental reverie had been broken. Making her way towards Michael, she was cautious to take in his features. Yes, he was awake, but he still looked so frail. His cheeks & eyes looked even more sunken in today. Wendy glanced to her mother, who was still beyond happiness, beyond reason. Wendy knew he was not getting any better, but Mrs. Darling chose to be oblivious to this.

"May I?" Wendy motioned to the bed, & their mother answered with a nod, permitting Wendy to sit on the bed. As she sat, Michael lifted his hand to her, which she gladly accepted.

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