Chapter 5

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Kaitlyn's p.o.v:

School went by quickly today, Ethan, Sadie and I had made plans for tonight.

Since the fair was happening around this time, we were all going together to have some fun.

"Alright," Ethan said, pulling his car into a vacant parking space, "what ride are we going on first?"

"I want to go on the Ferris wheel!" I squeal, feeling like I was 5 years old. I haven't been to the fair in so long, I could spend weeks here.

Ethan and Sadie nod, following me through the many people on our way to the Ferris wheel. The smell of cotton candy and popcorn full my nostrils as I begin feeling hungry. I know if I eat now, my stomach will ache later so I try and fight the urges to buy food.

As we arrive at our destination, we wait in line for about 5 minutes before getting in one of the cages for the Ferris wheel.

As we start to get higher, the view of the sunset over all of the fair grounds is breathtaking. I hear screams and laughter, finally feeling happy for once.

"If we stop at the top I'm going to shit myself." Sadie trembles.

"You afraid of heights?" Ethan asks.

Sadie nods and gulps. I look down and see Ethan intertwining his fingers with Sadie, holding on tight. I smile to myself. I must admit, they make a really cute couple.

When the ride is over, I start feeling like a third wheel until I bump into the same boy with the light hair.

"Mysterious boy?" I ask as he mutters an apology.

"Kate? Are you here alone?" He asks, I can hear the worry in his voice.

"No, I'm with my friends," I point to Ethan and Sadie. "I'm just kind of third wheeling at the moment." I laugh. "Do you want to join us? That is if you're not here with anyone."

"I'm not sure." He rubs the back of his neck. I can't help but notice the extreme tension happening right now.

"Go ahead, Kate. Ethan and I will catch up later." Sadie smiles and I could see Ethan squeeze her hand. I look back and forth between the two boys, but decide to shrug it off.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later." I give a small wave as Ethan leaves with a stone cold glare.

"Sorry about him, he can be over protective." I apologize, looking over at the boy.

"That's alright." Grayson forced a smile as he dug his hands in his pockets.

"What ride is your favourite?" I ask.

"I love the roller coaster." His eyes light up as he says it.

"It looks scary." I laugh nervously, "I've never been on it before."

"I'll go with you, if you'd like." He smiles.

I think for a while before saying what the hell with it. "I'll go." I smile nervously.

We get in our seats, suddenly feeling just a bit of regret. There's no turning back now, we're buckled in and the ride starts moving.

I look over at him and he has the hugest smile on his face, he looks so happy. He looks back at me and yells over the background noise, "you ready?"

I shake my head and clench my teeth together. The ride takes off, making me scream. Not even a quarter way through the ride, I'm already clung to his arm, holding on for dear life.

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