Chapter 7

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Grayson's p.o.v:

I shuffled down the dirt road, heading down to the private beach to get away. My father came home today screaming at me to go back to school but he doesn't understand that I'm suspended and its Sunday.

I settled in telling him I'm going to school (at 8:30pm) but I'm actually going to the beach. I see a car parked and I don't recognize it at all. I slowly walk over to the opening, making my way down the beach. I carried my shoes and socks, trying to make out the two figures by the waves.

I chuckled because they were probably going to get wet soon. I watched the sand as it squished beneath my feet, leaving a trail to only be washed away by the waves.

I heard a familiar voice yell behind me and I seen a mess of curly hair. I know who those people are.

Kaitlyn and Ashton.

I told her to stay away from him! I ran my wet hand through my hair ruffling it up. I grunted, pulling out my phone with my extra hand, quickly texting Kate that she needed to stay away from him.

I stopped for a moment, watching the waves. I bet it would be so much easier to drown myself.

I set down my socks and shoes, and I emptied my pockets.

I walked towards the waves, watching as the cold water pooled around my feet. I took small steps into the water until I was about waist high, shivering and shaking, making it difficult to steady my breathing. I'm a nervous wreck, I'm a mess, a waste of time. If I could ask for anything it would be one good sleep tonight.

I kept inching into the water, waiting for the waves to just take me. I went in up to my chest, my body shook violently as the wind blew. I lifted my feet, letting myself float. I stayed like that, being dragged under the water multiple times until I couldn't breathe.

I realized how much of a coward I was when I started to panic, standing up once again and pushing my soaking hair out of my eyes. I gasped for air and started walking out of the water, coughing dramatically.

I clutched my chest and fell on the sand beside my shoes. I lied there until I got my breath back, staring up at the dark sky.

What I just did was worthless, I'm crazy. I sighed in defeat, slowly getting back up and stabilizing myself. I grabbed my shoes and began walking home once again.

I felt a few droplets hit the top of my head, looking up to get a raindrop in my eye. I squinted my eyes shut, rubbing them. Then just like someone flipped a switch, it was downpour. I hung my head low, feeling my body shake as I was already cold before.

I started lightly jogging to get home faster and the rain never slowed down. My vision was blurry, not sure if it was due to the rain or the warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

I'm not sure why I was crying. I guess I'm so hurt that I can't have everything I want. But I can't have anything I want because Ashton always takes it away from me.

I ran up my front steps, my teeth chattering as I pushed open the front door.

"Why the fuck are you so wet? You look like a fucking dog." My father snapped.

"Look outside, maybe you'll see." I scowled.

"Don't talk to me like that." He growled, slapping my wet cheek. I clenched my jaw, pushing past him as I ran to my bedroom.

I slammed my door, pulling off my t-shirt that was clung to my body. My muscles tense because of how cold I was. I walked into my add on bathroom, turning the water up as hot as it could be.

I stripped down to nothing, quickly stepping into the shower, feeling the hot water cascade down my back. I felt my muscles relax and I tipped my head back taking the salt water out of my hair.

Steam quickly filled the room until I couldn't make out my reflection in the mirror anymore.

I turn off the water, stepping out of the shower and drying myself off. I use the towel to wrap around my waist and walk into my room. I reach into my wet shoes, finding my phone. I wipe it off on the towel and find a text from Katlyn.

Kate☺️: Come to the hospital please, I need someone.


So what do you guys think so far?
What happened? Why is Kaitlyn at the hospital :o

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, I'll try and make the next one longer :))

Like and comment!(:

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