Chapter 11: Orochimaru's Hideout

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             We kept on walking to Orochimaru's hideout. "I'm so tired of all these in-between fights, and now, we will have to fight one of the Sannin, Orochimaru, which he is really powerful." I said exhausted. "I'll finish him fast,  trust me..." Gaara said. "Thanks. I'll help a bit too. I'll use my kunai to distract him, and while he's distracted, you go use your Sand Burial on him." I said.

              "I guess that'll work." Gaara said.


I see Orochimaru's hideout. "We're here..." Gaara said. I sighed and I looked away from Orochimaru's hideout.  Gaara turned around to look at me and saw in my eyes that I was nervous and scared to fight Orochimaru.

           Gaara walked up to me and gave me a hug. I blushed. "Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you (Y/N)." Gaara said calmly. I blushed even more and I hugged him back. "T-Thank you Gaara." I said relieved a bit.

           "Aww! You two are flirting again!" Temari said again. Me and Gaara stopped hugging each other. "TEMARI! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" I yelled at her as I looked at her sad and angry at the same time. Temari giggled. "You should see your face right now (Y/N), it's hilarious!" Temari said.

           I sighed. "Whatever..." I said calming down and turning away. "Let's go hide somewhere  before someone finds out we're here because of you girls yelling at each other." Kankuro said pointing at a tall bush to hide in. "Alright." Gaara said. We turned around and we walked to the tall bush and we hid behind it.

        "Imma go check if the place is clear for us to go in." Kankuro said. "Ok." I said. Kankuro got out of the tall bush and went to go check of the place is clear.


Kankuro came back. "So, is it clear?" Temari asked Kankuro. "Yup." Kankuro answered. "Alright, let's go." Gaara said. He started running quietly and stopped at the entrance. There was no door. It was just a huge, endless, dark hallway. We followed Gaara and stopped behind him.

          I walked next to Gaara and I just  stared at the entrance and looked at the pitch black hallway. "I hate the dark. You never know what's there." I said. "I'll go first." Kankuro said. "I'll be behind you Kankuro." Temari said.

          They both started walking into the darkness. "Umm..." I said nervous. Gaara looked back at me and saw me trembling. "You can hug me so you don't feel scared." Gaara said blushing a bit. I looked at Gaara blushing a bit too. "Thanks Gaara." I walked close to Gaara and I wrapped my right arm around his neck and my left arm on his shoulder.

            We started walking into the pitch black hallway...

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