Chapter 14: Through The Secret Passageway!

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We have to find the secret passageway, but where is it? Gaara walked up to the wall and put his hands on it. He started looking for a button or something hidden in the wall to open up the secret passageway. Gaara kept pushing every single brick until he felt something like a button.

Gaara pushed one of the bricks and it got pushed back into the wall. Gaara gasped. "Was that it?" I asked. "I guess. What happens n-" kankuro was saying until the floor opened beneath us and we started falling in the pitch black hole.

"AHHHHH!" Me, Temari, and Kankuro yelled. Gaara took out his sand from his gourd and caught us with it. When we dropped to the floor, we fell softly on Gaara's sand. "That was a close one." Temari said sighing of relief. "Yeah, it was. Thanks Gaara!" I said as I ran up to Gaara and gave him a big hug.

Gaara blushed. "You're welcome (Y/N)." Gaara said. "You guys should really listen to me and consider being a couple. Trust me! I know a lot about love!" Temari stated. I stopped hugging Gaara. I turned around to Temari and opened my mouth. I was about to give Temari a piece of my mind, but I decided not to since it won't change a thing...

I closed my mouth, turned around, and kept walking. "H-hey! Come back! You can't just walk around on your own here!" Kankuro said as he started following me. Temari and Gaara followed too.


            "When are we gonna get there?" Kankuro asked impatient. "We'll just have to wait and find out..." Gaara answered Kankuro in his monotone voice. "Yeah Kankuro, stop whining..." I said to Kankuro, teasing him. Kankuro crossed his arms and made an angry face.


             "I'm so tired." I said while panting and slowing down. Gaara and the others turned to look at me. I slowly walked to the wall and leaned on it because I felt like fainting any second. "Are you alright?" Gaara asked me as he stopped walking. Temari and Kankuro stopped walking too. "I'm fine. Let's k-keep going..." I answered while getting up from the wall. "Are you sure?" Gaara asked. "Y-Yeah." I answered. I kept on walking slowly. Gaara and the others turned around and kept walking.


             Everything I saw was starting to get all blurry and I felt dizzy. I started to fall down. Gaara turned around to me and ran to me. He caught me only three inches from the ground. "Hey, are you ok? Gaara asked me, concerned, while shaking me lightly.

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