Chapter 21: The Return

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        "Right!" We said in unison.

          1 Hour And 45 Minutes Later

       I focus ahead and I see Sunagakure. "I see the Sand Village, guys!" I yelled, pointing to the village. The guards saw us and yelled, "THE KAZEKAGE AND THE OTHERS HAS RETURNED!" Everyone in the village heard it and started cheering.

       I started running to Sunagakure. Temari ran with me. The guards greeted us. "Welcome back, lady (Y/N), lady Temari." "Thanks." Temari and I said.

      When we entered Sunagakure, everyone ran to us. They gathered in a circle around us. Villagers started welcoming us. "Welcome back!" A sand shinobi said. "Thank you." Me and Temari said.

      "(Y/N) and Gaara are DATING!" Temari yelled. Everyone was silenced. "What? Lord Gaara is dating (Y/N)?" A villager whispered. "Aw man! Lord Gaara is taken now!" A group of Kunoichi said in disappointment.

     Gaara walked in the village and saw me and Temari in a group of people. The people saw Gaara and ran up to him. "Congratulations Lord Gaara!" The people yelled. "W-what for?" Gaara asked, confused.

     "For getting a girlfriend!" A young boy said. "W-What? W-Who told you that?" Gaara asked, blushing. "Lady Temari did!" The young boy answered. "Hey! Don't tell him it was me!" Temari said.

      "Sorry..." The young boy apologized. "It's alright." Said Temari, patting the little boy's head. He giggled. "Temari..." Gaara said.

      "What? They were going to find out eventually." Said Temari. "Gaara, let's just try not to hide it anymore..." I said. I walked up to Gaara. "Alright." Said Gaara as he put his hand on my shoulder.

        I smiled. Gaara smiled back. The villagers were silent as they watched us. Gaara and I were looking into each other's eyes.

       We leaned closer to each other. We then closed our eyes, and slowly started kissing. The Kunoichi started fake crying. "I wanted to be his first kiss..." Said one girl.

       Temari started doing heart gestures with her fingers once again. Kankuro came in the village and the first thing he saw was me and Gaara kissing and the villagers watching.

         "W-What's going on?" Kankuro asked confused and uncomfortable.

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