*Gilbert there, quiet alluring huh?*
Rette mich....rette mich.....gefallen....rette-
"F*ck!" I shot up from my bed. Sweat dripping from my hair which now plastered to my forehead. It's that woman voice again! Why does it have to bother my night?
Nearly every night since three years ago I dreamt the same thing over and over again. It's a woman voice a very gentle and yet a full of suffering, sad voice asking for me to save her.
There's no image in my dreams it's all just a blurry mix of red and black. If I recalled it, I think I've known that voice owner, but I...ugh!
Forget it, now that I've awakened I'd rather go and take my morning jogs. I change my attire. Grey Nike hoodie, tracksuits and my red headphones and slowly go out of my house not wanting to awaken my parents. This, nearly became my daily routines since I've had those dreams. I need to distract myself from that voice.
I finished my jogs after an hour and slowly jogs back to my house. There's a red Volkswagen Tiguan park in my lawn.
Woow! That was my favourite car of all, I've been dreaming to drive that ! I rushed inside and nearly topple my mom's vase.
"Mom! Dad! There's a car-eh?" Weird, why everything is dark? Does they cut the electricity or what? This is morning, right?
"Mom? Dad?" I called out again, but there's no answer.
"Alright, this is no fun, guys, stop it seriously, mom! Dad!" this really creeps me up, I don't like darkness!
I nearly leapt up in surprise. The light lit and I see all of my friends and my parent. Oh, look! My dad is holding a cake. Together they sing the birthday song. Gott, how can I forget, today is my birthday. Silly me!
"Happy birthday, son," my dad said hugging me. "Oh, thanks dad, mom, you guys are the best mom and dad in this whole universe!" I pulled my mom along and hug both of them.
"Dude don't forget us alright? Thomas smiled at me, Charles was right next to him. I grin back at him. "Thanks a lot, you guys," my best friends and the other nods back in recognition.
"Now, there's no time for blowing the candle, the main event is next!" my dad urged me to go outside. And again I see the red Volkswagen Tiguan.
"Oh yeah, by the way, I've been confusing on who is this car owner? I've never seen it before do you know him..or her dad?" I turn back to my dad. He shrugs and folds his arm on his chest. His raise his right eyebrow as if teasing me.
"No way! No freaking way!!" I nearly shout at him in disbelieve.
"It's yes way for you my dear" my mom appeared next to him smiling brightly. "Wah! I love you guys so much!" again I hug both of them. I kiss both of their cheeks and run into the car. Wait...the key.
"Not so fast Gilbert, your friends have been waiting for you for the party. You can't just leave them like that... you can test the car later," my mom standing next to the car, she shows me the key car that now is in her hand. I reluctantly get out from my new car. "Promise me you two are going with me for my first drive!" I joke with my parent, and they both nods laughing. I turn back to all of my friends.
"What are we waiting for? Let's party!!!"
"Ma, please, why me?" I whine while my mom drags me on my arm outside towards my mom's Mercedes. "Ugh, shush! You need to accompany me, what is the use of having a daughter if you wouldn't go shopping with me?" she continued dragging me, without giving any attention to all my whines and pleading.
This is just not my thing. Shopping? Are you kidding me? The mall is boring! Except for the anime store on the second floor, but seriously shopping is freaking boring! Why do people do it? She throws me...yeah I really mean it she just threw me on the driver's seat. Before tossing me the key. I sigh again.
"You drive" can't say no to her can I? I ignite the car engine and the first thing I did after that was changing the radio, actually I connect the radio to my phone and immediately FOB I Don't Care blast through it.
My mother nearly jumped in her seat. "Oh Dio! Ein, change it!" she half yelled to me but I shook my head. "If you want me to drive and accompany you to the so-called 'shopping' then the song throughout the road is my decision." I ignore the heated death glare that she sent to me.
She then shook her head in defeat while mumbling in Spanish, I think she said 'this is what America influence to the kid' yada yada...
The drive is smooth...well ignore the fact that my mother shrieks a few time in it. The car is about speed, right? So that's what I'm doing, speeding in the highway. I slow down when I see the car opposite the road looks like it is driven by a drunk driver. It looks like it will crash soon. 'Just don't come in my way, you can go and crash alone don't involve me and my mom.' I prayed inside.
"Ein! Careful!! Avoid it! Avoid!" Ma scream. "Holy shit!!" oh gott, I just prayed didn't I?
What I prayed for seems useless since the car suddenly, crash the road divider and speed to our direction. I quickly turn the car and surprisingly I manage to avoid it.
Unfortunately, the car makes a massive collide with the car behind us. Such a waste, it was the new Volkswagen Tiguan. Holy shit! That is a massive crash since both of the cars went flying. I'm serious! Flying.
The red VW Tiguan crash down back to the road and the other car crash down not too far from my mother's Mercedes. I stop the car and immediately got outside, my mother did the same thing and she has her phone in her hand possibly calling the ambulance.
All the people start to get out of their cars. It's too late for the ambulance I guess. Seeing from the collision I'm quite certain that the Red Tiguan will burn to ash soon enough.
I quickly run to the the-now-upside down the car to the driver's seat. I need to get all the victim out from that car before it burns them to crisp. I see three people inside including the driver. Arriving, there I nearly gasp. Oh god, why in the world of many people it has to be him?
It's that bastard, Gilbert!
How does it turn like this? I was just having fun driving my new car with both of my parents before we collide with the car that surprisingly comes from the opposite side of the road. I didn't manage to avoid the car, and everything went black.
I slowly earn my consciousness, a few seconds after that. My head hurt like hell, not to mention my left eye. It is excruciating to open it. I can feel a warm liquid flowing on the left side of my face.
When my right eye can adjust to the surrounding, I see something...no someone. On that time, when I see her I think it's alright for me if I die there. It is her, Ein, she looks ridiculously glowing. Her shiny black hair, move along with her motion. Her dark attire is contrasting with the light from the sun behind her.
She's yelling my name, with her sweet voice. Why did I realize this now? She's a quiet beauty in black.
I hear a faint 'crack' before the window next to me shattered to pieces. She pulls the car lock and opened the door. Before pulling the seatbelt away from me, and I don't know how but she manages to get me out from my car, despite her small physic.
On that time I remembered that my parent is still inside, with my cracked voice I muttered 'my parent' to Ein. I see a few people trying to save my parent that is still inside the car. Before Ein yell to them.
"Get away from there!! It will explode! Run!!" hearing she yelled that. I thrash in her arm. The other people start to run away from my crushed car. Immediately after that the car a small fire starts to burn the car. As quick as it comes it engulfs the whole car in big flames. I yell out for my mom and dad.
Ein immediately hugs me, closing my view. I heard exploding sound, before it all silent and I black out again.
My parent face flashing on my mind, and the flame.
A/N(Yeah i know, it is impossible for a car to explode, it will only burn, but yeah excuse, me this isn't called fiction if there's no lie in it right?)

RomanceThe Goth plus otaku girl, Ein Dassler Esser, and the total outgoing playboy, Gilbert Frederick met each other in really weird rendezvous, which included string of curses dumped down on Gilbert's head. Two different people with two different past, wh...