bad timing and honest feelings make the most painful of combinations
There's a certain withering feeling you get when your heart is broken. Whether it be for the first time, or the third, it hurts each time, and it hurts no less. Because each time it's like a person has taken away another piece of you. You feel as though they had treated you like a rose, and decided to pluck away your petals as if to say "love me, love me not," except they took out the "love me" and instead replaced it with only the "not." You have thorns, though they fail to prick the fingers of the one who's caress would have your heart in their hands once more. Yet time and time again they would have decided to dig their nails into the beating flesh, and you would bleed out every time for them over and over again. You would bleed out because there was no point of being, when your heart no longer pumped alongside their's.
I always thought he was my love, my everything. I always thought that without him, I would be nothing. But that's the thing, I thought - and he took it upon himself to take advantage of my thoughts, to leave me. He left, and I was suffocating. There used to be a tube down my throat to help me breath but I was taken off life support, and all it felt like was suffocating. Maybe it was the sudden realization that he wasn't my love or my everything. Or the realization that he wasn't the thing keeping me alive, rather the thing that had its hands wrapped around my neck. Either way he left purple bruises every place his hands touched, yet I had admired them anyway. He was a contradiction. Even through his anger, I had never seen someone more beautiful.
Perhaps I'd been too blinded by the angel in his eyes to see the demon on his shoulder. Perhaps he was a wildfire, who blew toxic fumes into my lungs.
But I'd be damned if I didn't admit that I was willing to burn.
so guys, this is my new book. it's been in my works for months and i couldn't decide if i wanted to publish it. i will start writing as often as I can for those who grow a liking to the book. just know now that sometimes updates will be slow because i have horrible writers block sometimes. as of now i'm in love with the idea of this. hoping it stays that way. anyway, if you read this prologue and voted, thank you!! and please keep reading!!

Short StoryI'd lost count of all the tears I had shed. I felt like a broken record, trying to convince myself that he didn't mean the hurtful words that tasted like gasoline on his tongue, that the third degree burns left on my skin would heal with time. But h...