Chapter 3.

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Felix's POV (Tomlinson triplet)

I get up from bed, get dressed, then go down stairs. Once I'm at the last step, I see Will, Lou, and 3 other guys. I relies their triplets also, then I see two cat hybrids playing together. I walk into the living, then all their heads turn to me.'' 'Bout time you woke up Felix.'' Will says to me.'' I want you to meet some people.'' He says motioning to them. I walk over and shake their hands. They each mention their name. Harry, Marcel, and Edward. We sat down a while and started chatting about random things, having a few laughs here and there. Then, one of the hybrids come over to me. She has curly hair, and little curls on the top of her ears, and tail. Her nose twitches, then she smiles at me.'' Hi! I'm Allie'' She says, with a smile on her face, and her tone excited. I smile at her energy '' Hello, I'm Felix.'' I say. She reaches her hand out, and I shake it.

Allie's POV ( just saying this is me)

I kept smiling at him. I put my hand back at my side, and scurried off to play with Katie.'' Your owners are cute just like mine!'' I whisper yell to her. She smiles and giggles.'' I know right, I totally agree.'' She whispers.'' Who's your favorite?'' Katie asks me.'' Harry.'' I say.'' Mines Louis.'' She says back. "I heard that!!!" Louis yelled as he jumped at Katie and started tickling her. "Oh no thats her weakness" I say as I run over and start tickling her too. "HAHAHA STOP HAHAHA" Katie yelled between laughes. We got off her and she walked over to me and pinched me. "Owww" I say and start poking her. She hates that!! "Stop" She says. "No"I say "STOP" She yelled. "Ok, Ok jees" I say and walk over to Felix. "Hi" I say. He ignores me so i poke him. "Hello, Im talking to you" I say louder. He ignored me again so I pull on his leg. "HELLO, IM TALKING TO YOU!!" I yell. "Ok, Ok I see you" Felix said. I smile at him, then sit on his lap. He rolls his eyes, but smiles. He starts to play with my ears. I twitch my ears, because it tickles. I peek open my eye open to see Harry jealous. Uh oh, not good!!!! I get off of Felix's lap, and stretch my arms. I walk over Harry, and lay in his lap to calm him down. I wave my tail in his hand, signaling for him to play with my tail. Once he got what I meant, he started petting it, and putting it through his fingers. I purr in his lap, enjoying the moment of getting attention from him. Katie shyly walks over to Louis to sit in his lap. She gently moves his arms, and curls in his lap. Louis starts petting her, making her purr with love. I sit up in Harry's lap, to whisper in his ear.'' Can we go home?'' I purr in his ear on accident, because he was playing with my tail.'' Sure.'' He says. I get off his lap for him to stand up.'' Me and Allie are going home, anyone want to join?'' Harry says to them.'' No, I'll drive you home though.'' Ed offers.'' That's okay, we can walk.'' I say. Harry nods in agreement. Ed smiles at us, and nods. I go over to Katie to tell her something. '' I'll see you soon Katie, be good. Louis will watch over you.'' I whisper in her ear.'' Okay, I will. I love you.'' She whispers to me.'' Love you to BooBear.'' I say, as I walk passed Harry, having him follow me.

Harry's POV

Me and Allie walk down the snowy streets of Cheshire. Kicking snow with our shoes. We were only 4 blocks away now.'' So..... what do you want to do?'' I ask her nervously.'' Right now or when we get home?'' She asks me.'' I guess, when we get home.'' I say, scratching the back of my neck. Once we arrive home, we take off our coats and boots.'' What now?'' She purrs in my ear, as she passes me.'' We can do whatever you want.'' I say, as my body shivers.'' Take me to your room.'' She says. I nod, and have her follow me. Once were in my room, she jumps on my bed, then uses her hands to get comfortable. After she's done, she sits down. I walk over to the bed, and sit next to her.'' You ready to have fun?'' She purrs in my ear again.'' Yes.'' I say. She smirks at me.'' Okay.'' She says.


She starts kissing my neck slowly, going up my jaw line, and back down. I stifled a little moan.'' You can do what you want to me.'' Allie says in my ear. I pin her on the bed, and start kissing her neck trying to find her sweet spot. She lets' out a little moan, when I kiss under her right ear. I start sucking a little hickey there to show everyone she's mine. She starts to take my shirt off, as I pull hers' off. I start unbuttoning her jeans, as she does the same to mine. Were both in our undergarments having a heated make out session. I unclip her bra, and start to massage her breast. She moans out my name a little. I take her right nipple between my fingers, and twist, and pinch it. I take her left one in my mouth, biting on the red nub. '' Harryharryharry.'' She moans out. I take of her panties, and see she's wet. '' Wet already, love?'' I say, with a smirk on my face. She looks down at me a smirks also. '' Wet for you, love.'' She winks at me. That wink went right through me to my dick, making it harder. I spread her legs open a little wider. I use my tongue, and lick her clit. '' Harry.'' She purrs/moans out. I start to suck I little on her clitoris making her say my name more and more. I stuff my tongue in her whole. '' Harry!'' She says in utter shock. I keep pulling out and pushing back in with my tongue. '' Harry, don't stop.'' She says to me. I take out my tongue and insert one finger. And to my surprise, I realize, I have 3 fingers pumping into her.

Allie's POV

Harry was thrusting 3 fingers in me, making me wonder how big he actually is. He takes them out, having me whimper from being empty. Soon, Harry has his dick at my entrance. '' When your ready.'' He whispers in my ear. I nod eagerly. He starts to push in, making whimper with pain from his size. Once he's all the way in, he let's me settle, before he starts to thrust. I finally nod and let him go. He starts out with slow thrusts, soon turning into fast thrusts making me a moaning mess on the bed. '' Faster, harder!'' I scream at Harry. And he obeys, and does what I say. The only things filling the air is our heavy breathing, load moans, and skin slapping skin. Harry changes angle, aiming for my g-spot. He turned a little then slams right into my g-spot. '' THERE, RIGHT THERE AGAIN HARRY AGAIN!'' I yell with pleasure. He obliged and hit there again, and again, and again. '' So..... close Harry.'' I say, almost reaching my climax. '' Me to babe, me to.'' Harry says, in a raspy voice. '' HARRY!!!!!'' '' ALLIE!!!!!'' We both yell each others names as we both reach our climax's. Me squirting my juices over him, as he spills into me. He pulls out and lays down next to me. '' Was that fun?'' I ask him, smirking. '' More than fun.'' Harry replies, smiling. We both fall asleep in each others arms.


Is It Love? ~Styles Triplets and Tomlinson Triplets. With hybrid sisters~Where stories live. Discover now