Chapter 5.

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Louis' POV

It's 11:30 at night and Im still awake. Marcy and Edward left at like 8:00. We went to bed like an hour ago. Katie is snuggled up next to me and purring. Shes so cute. I start to hear rain hitting against the window. Then thunder. I feel Katie shaking and hear her wimper.

Allie's POV

I wake up to see me curled around Harry, who is still sleeping. Then that's when I hear the loud booming of thunder. I sceech and jump out of Harry's arms. He wakes up alarmed of my actions. '' What's wrong Allie?'' He asked me, worry in his eyes.'' I need to go to Louis'!'' I yell in panic.Marcel and Edward come rushing into Harry's room.'' What's wrong?'' Marcel questions'. '' Are you guys hurt?'' Edward asks as worried as Marcel seemed. "Katie is terrified of thunder and only I can comfort her, we need to go now" I said.

Felix's POV

Katie has been crying for the last half hour and I feel so bad for her we dont know what the matter is but she wont stop crying and she keeps saying she wants Allie. "TEXT MESSAGE ANSWER YOUR PHONE" I hear Will's phone screach and that only made her crying worse. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I hear the door go off. I run to open it, just to see a wet Allie. She comes running in, and up the stairs where Katie's whimpers' are coming from.

Allie's POV

I run into what I'm guessing is Louis' room, since it smells like im. What? Cat sences, duh. I run into the room to see Katie shaking in the corner terrified. She looks up and sees me. We run to each other, hugging eachother closely.'' I didn't think you would come...'' She whispers quietly, so only I can hear.'' I came as fats as I could BooBear.'' I whisper in her ear softly, petting her head to sooth her. After a while of just holding her, she finally stops crying and whimpering. I look at Louis and lip say '' What time is it?'' ''5:00.'' He lip says back. She was up all night crying. Poor thing. Thank god I was here to comfort her. I pick her up like a baby, and put her down on Louis' bed, kissing her on the head as in a way of saying good night.'' I'll be going, if she freaks out, just call marcel, edward, or harry. Or i'll just come running, 'cause you know, sister sences.'' I say to Louis.'' Yeah, I will, thanks :).'' Louis says with a smile. I smile back at him. I walk out the room and run to go home.

Once I got home, all the guys look at me.'' Hi.'' I say. I run up to Edward, jumping on his lap since he was sleeping. He sits up really fast once I hop on. I hold around his neck, so I don't fall off.'' OMG, Allie you scared the boxes out of me!'' Edward yells surprised. I cover my ears, since my ears are so sensitive to noise. "Ouch my ears. Shhhh." I hissed at him."Sorry." He said quietly. "Where did you go." Harry questioned me. "To Louis's house." I answered. "Why?" Marcy asked. "Because Katie is afraid of thunder storms. Duh." I said like it was obvious. "Oh ok." Harry said.

Louis's POV

It's like 12 pm now and Katie just woke up. "Hey honey." I cooed at her. "H-hi Louis." She replied shyly. "You're so adorable my little kitten." I said as I pulled her in to cuddle with me. She started to purr. "I want you to meet someone today." I told her. "Who?" She asked. "My girlfriend Eleanor Calder." I told her. "O-ok" she replied.

"I'll be right back kitten I'm going to call her." I told her as I got off the bed and walked out off my room. RING RING RING."Hello." I heard Eleanor. "Hey babe it's Louis I want you to come over in a bit to meet my new hybrid Katie." I told her. "Ok I'll be there in about 5 minutes." She replied and hung up the phone. I walked back into the room and Katie wasn't on the bed. Where could she be. I checked under the bed in the closet and behind the door. "BOO!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

There Katie was on Felix's shoulders. "There you are." I said and gently grabbed her from Felix. "She ran into my room while you were on the phone." He laughed. "Well Eleanor will be here in two minutes so let's get you changed." I said to Katie. I went into my closet and found some clothes Will had picked up at a store for Katie yesterday. I picked out an orange top with Jean shorts for her that had a hole in the back so her tail could stick out. "Felix can you take Katie while I get changed?" I yelled to him. "Sure." He came into the room and ducked down so that Katie coins jump on his back. Then they walked out of the room.

I picked out a pair of Gray skinny jeans and a white t shirt and got changed. "Katie come on Eleanor will be here any minute." I yelled to her. She came bounding down the hall and jumped into my arms. I carried her downstairs to the couch and sat there waiting. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "Katie sit here." I told her and she obeyed. I went and opened the door. "Hey babe." I said and hugged her then pulled her into the living room. "That is Katie." I said pointing to her.

"Both of you stay here while I go make us some tea."I said and walked out of the room.

Katie's POV

I walked over to Eleanor to say hi but she pushed me over and stepped on my tail. "Don't touch me and Louis is mine you've not taking my place." She whispered. At that moment I started screaming. Louis, Felix and William ran into the room. Eleanor had taken her foot off my tail moments before. I was still crying on the ground. "What happened Kitten?" Louis asked me. "I acidently stepped on her tail." Eleanor answered him thinking he was talking to her. "It hurts." I said through my tears.

"It's ok honey I'm here." He told me and picked me up. "Will, Felix will you take her upstairs to one of your rooms so me and Eleanor can talk?" He asked them. "Yeah." Will said. "Thanks." He said handing me to them. They took me up to Felix's room and laid me on the bed. "She did it on purpose." I told them. "We already know we were standing at the top of the stairs." Felix said. I reached my arms up signaling to him to cuddle me. He took me in his arms and hugged me. "Lou can you come up here?" Will called to him. "Up yeah I'll be right up." He called back.

I could here him running up the stairs. "What's the matter?" He asked when he came into the room. "Eleanor stepped on Katie's tail on purpose." Felix told him. "She would never do that." He said looking straight at me. "S-she did." I said quietly. "Katie now listen to me. Whatever they drilled into your head is not true. Eleanor would never do that." That just made me bawl he didn't believe me. He tried to come over and pet me but I just ran out of the room down the stairs and out of the house. Allie I need you now. I keep running until I can't see the house anymore.

Allie's POV

Right now I'm curled up in Harry's lap trying to sleep. I keep getting this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it won't go away. "Harry can you text Louis and ask him if Katie is ok. I have a bad feeling in my stomach." I told him. "Ok." He replied.

"Allie. Katie ran away from Louis's house and hasn't come back they have been looking for her for hours." Harry says with a horrified look on his face. "I think I know where she is can you drive me?" I asked. "Yeah sure." In a matter of fifteen minutes we were there. The cemetery. "KATIE ARE YOU HERE!!!" I yelled through the cemetery. I walked along the road leading into it until I found our moms gravestone. She died when Katie was eight. There laying on the grass in front of it was Katie.

"Katie what's the matter?" I asked her as I knelt down beside her. "Louis's girlfriend stepped on my tail on purpose and he didn't believe me." She sobbed. "That no reason to run away." I told her. "I know but I couldn't stand being in a house with them. Please don't take me back." She begged. "I'll have to see now come on. We'll go get ice cream and go back to Harry's house. " I told her. I pulled her up on to her feet and we walked back to Harry's car.

Is It Love? ~Styles Triplets and Tomlinson Triplets. With hybrid sisters~Where stories live. Discover now