Chapter- 7

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His blonde hair were a mess but he still looked cute while laughing and flashing his crooked teeth.

You replied" Well I think you are right Niall but"

He said" Stop being so formal y/n. You did so much for our band at least I have the rights to drop you home."

You finally agreed.

He opened the door for you and you seated next to him. It was a little bit awkward for you because Niall was the one with whom you have interacted the least. Every time you all hanged out you mostly had Louis or Zayn by your side. So you didn't knew what to say.

He cleared his throat and said"Expected someone else to do this for you?"

"Someone else??" (*why does he thinks that? Why would you expect someone else. Oh no no wait you expected. Yes you did. Zaayyynnnnn Zaynnn and Zaynnnnn*)But you replied" No why would I be expecting someone."

"Really??" He asked with a tone that seemed like *I know your answer but I am still asking.*

You bite your lips.

Niall looked at you and smiled"Its ok if you don't want to share I won't mind."

You immediately replied"Sorry..! Its not like that. Mmm.. yes you are right I expected someone." 

You looked out of the window.

Niall sighed and said" Look y/n you can be comfortable with me. If you want to share something or wanna know something just tell me. I am your friend too. "

You smiled and said"Thank you so much Niall. You guys are really nice."

He laughed and said "Look who is talking the one who did so much for our band even when you didn't know much about us."

You were laughing at his words.

 You controlled yourself and said "Now you are embarrassing me Zayn. Oops Niall."

(*what? what the hell did you said? Are you out of your mind.? This is Niall remember Niall not Zayn. You are getting obsessed with him. Cmon wake up*)

"Hmm So it's all about Zayn." He stated

You immediately said"No no I am sorry. It just came out of my mouth accidentally."

He firmly said"We all know that something is going between you and Zayn. I talked to him about this and--"

You interrupted Niall and said" What did he said?"

"Woah woah..!! Too much curiosity." He said with a smirk.

You pursed your lips. You didn't know what to say so you just focused your eyes on the road.

"Well He didn't talked much about it so.. Oh we reached your house."

"Oh thank you so much for dropping me home." You said forcing a smile. You were still embarrassed with your words.

"No need to say thanks" He replied with a smile.

You got out of the car and waved him

He waved you back and said "Good night."

When you entered the house your father was like. "Y/n where were you? You know what time it is? Why didn't you picked your phone?"

You jumped back in surprise " Woah woah.!! So many questions. Let me relax dad. The concert ended late". And you made your way towards your room.

He said" Oh okay but wait. Why didn't you picked up your phone?"

You said immediately stopped after hearing his concerned voice. You turned around and said" It was on silent sorry for that."

He shrugged his shoulders and said "Who was that guy who dropped you here.? Tell me he was your boyfriend?"

You said" No he's not my boyfriend. "(*You wished he was he is so cute but you wanted Zayn more.*)

You continued by saying "He was one of those boys from One Direction. A friend you can say."

Your father gave you a *you are telling me a lie look* and you were like " C'mon dad. He is not my boyfriend okay. He is just a friend. Anyways I am too tired dad. I am going to sleep"

Your father said" Okay good night"

You went into your room and locked yourself in without even changing your clothes you went to bed but you were not able to sleep. 

The only thoughts racing through your mind were what happened with Zayn at stage and at bench. What Your best friend said Why did Niall talked to you as if he knows something but wanted to hear that from your mouth.

Immediately you remembered about your phone. You pulled it from your pocket and unlocked it. You saw 50 missed calls. 15 Of your dad and rest were of Zayn when he was searching for you. Then you saw your messages 10 messages again from your Dad and Zayn. 

You were waiting for Zayn to message you or call you. And while waiting you slept.


You woke up in the morning and immediately looked at the phone which you were still holding in your hand.

You swiped through your messages but still no message from Zayn.

You were surprised as yesterday was such a big day and you thought Zayn would surely talk to you and share how he felt as you didn't got time to talk much.

Anyways it was Sunday morning so you were not in a hurry. 

Your head was feeling so heavy that you thought of going to bed again.

You woke up at 2 o'clock and went downstairs. 

Your dad was a busy person so as usual he was busy with his stuff in office. 

Your stomach was growling and making weird sounds as you didn't got a bite of food into your mouth since yesterday night. So you went to kitchen to prepare something. 

You were a bad cook so the food you cooked for yourself was disgusting but you didn't had an option. 

Just when you were about to eat it. Your friend called you. She asked about today's plan. 

*Oh god how did you forgot? You yourself decided to go for shopping*. 

But you cancelled it saying " I am very tired so maybe next time. I am just going to take a nap. Sorry but yesterday was really stressful" 

Your friend said" Okay no problem Your health is more important. We will go next time you take care" and then she hanged up the phone.

When you finished your food and were about to go back to your room someone knocked at your door.  

Okay so none of you could guess it right :P Anyways vote and comment your thoughts about the chapter. And yeah please read her stories @harrenstyles They are great and 1D related.. Thank you guys xx  

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