Chapter Twenty One

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"Y/N, I-"

"What the fuck happened to your face?"

"Uh, I fell out of the car?" Dinah muttered, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"Don't bullshit to me Dinah Jane. We both know that falling out of a car doesn't do that much damage. I'm speaking from experience." I roll my eyes at her as I walk over, reaching out my hand and swiping some blood off her chin that had dripped down from her busted lip.

"I'm fine Y/N." She flinched slightly, pushing my hand away.

"Stop fucking lying to me. You don't need to protect his dumb ass." I raise my voice, stepping even closer to her. I look into her eyes and try to ignore the obvious dark bruises beneath them.

"He hit me, is that what you wanted to hear? I think you already knew that." She pushed me back with a scowl.


"Because I was defending you while he talked absolute shit about you. What kind of girlfriend takes their boyfriend's enemy's side instead of his? I guess I should've expected this." She chuckled uncomfortably, fidgeting her fingers.

That boy was so fucked up. He makes me so damn angry.

I push past her, storming out of the bathroom and heading straight to our booth. Lauren immediately stood up, pulling Zendaya up with her just in case she had to intervene.

Oh, so now she wants to help out?

Yeah, I love Lauren but sometimes she could be such a coward. That girl was the first person who started making me question my sexuality, because she's Lauren fucking Jauregui, and now she's making me question how much of a pussy she is.

"You better not have touched Dinah in the bathrooms. She doesn't need your lesbian ways rubbing off on her." Nela stands up too, his eyes glancing between Dinah and I.

"She can rub off on me anytime she fucking wants." I spit out with a taunting smirk.

I scrunch up my nose when I feel droplets of water hit my face. I turn my head to glare at Lauren who had accidentally spit her water out of her mouth from laughing. She sent me a sheepish smile before gesturing me to continue the conversation.

"I'm serious Y/N. You seriously need to find someone else to obsess over because I'm so fucking sick of you trying to get into my business." Nela clutches the collar of my shirt which just causes my taunting smirk to widen. He shoots me a confused look but I just chuckle.

"And you," I drop my smile and move closer despite his grip on my shirt, "need to find someone else to use as a punching bag before I chop your dick off." I growl, swinging my fist towards his face. As soon as my fist meets his nose I hear a loud crack and I honestly don't know whether I broke my knuckles or his nose.

"Y/N!" Dinah screeched, gripping my arm tightly.

"Fucking beat that booty ass hoe!" Lauren hollers loudly through giggles.

"Shit, push him the other way Y/N. He's going to land on the food. Save the food." I could practically hear the panic in Zendaya's voice as she rushes towards the booth.

"You fucking bitch." Nela hisses out, holding his nose as it bleeds all over his hands.

I gasp loudly, pushing Dinah back instinctively to protect her as a fist collided with my cheek. I groan loudly and fall flat onto my back. I felt someone straddling my waist before multiple fists were delivered to my face.

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