Chapter Twenty Six

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Fuck me up Dinah. SLAY ME. That picture though. Dead.

I groan slightly when I feel Camila's grip on my hair tighten as I continue to kiss up her inner thighs lightly, teasing the fuck out of her like I have been doing for a while now as I take my sweet time.

Honestly, the only reason I was dragging this out is because I was having an internal battle with myself on whether I should actually continue this or not. Should I feel guilty for doing this because I'm practically leading her on?

"Lauren? There you are. Zendaya's going to kick your a-"

My head shot up and turned to the direction of the voice, only to be met with wide brown eyes flickering between Camila and I. I saw a flash of hurt cross Dinah's face before I felt my stomach drop at the blank expression that seemed to take over.

"Shut up Dinah. I was enjoying the show." Lauren, who was standing in the the doorway of the room, scolds the Polynesian girl before turning her attention back to us. "Continue." She ordered us but I just shook my head at her.

I sat up in between Camila's legs quickly, tugging at the discarded towel from the end of the bed and covered Camila's bare body.

"Come on Lauren." Dinah urged almost desperately to the clearly drunk girl.


"Let's go Lauren." Dinah cut me off intentionally with a stern voice.

"But look Dinah, Y/N tops." Lauren pointed towards us obliviously.


Lauren sighed loudly before nodding and leaving with Dinah, closing the door behind both of them.

I groan slightly, looking back at Camila and frown in confusion when I see a smirk plastered on her face but soon shrug it off and lie directly on top of her, nuzzling my face into her neck in embarrassment of what just happened.

"You told me Lauren rang you when she was at the party. Why is she already here then?" I whine out.

"Oh, yeah." She chuckled nervously. "I forgot to mention that she also told me that she was actually on her way home with Zendaya and Dinah because she wanted a band aid since she fell down the stairs. Apparently she wanted one on her knee even though there's no cut, it's just bruised."

"That's why they got here so fast." I muttered to myself, annoyed at the fact that they cock-blocked me.

I huff loudly when Camila rolls me off her, hauling herself out of the bed and starts putting some clothes on. I watch her with a pout as her exposed skin starts to become covered up with cute little pjs.

Blue balled.

I pull her back into bed with me once she was finished getting changed before cuddling up to her, surprisingly exhausted. I feel my eyelids start to droop straight away, slipping into a deep sleep a few seconds later.


I walk downstairs with a small headache, my stomach rumbling loudly even though I knew I wouldn't be able to eat anything without feeling the need to throw up. I wasn't shocked at all when the first thing I spot in the kitchen was Dinah eating a bowl of cereal all alone. I yawned loudly which attracted her attention but I pretended not to notice her gaze burning holes in the back of my head.

I search through the cupboards for some food, only to be stopped in my tracks by Dinah's voice.

"So I see you have a talent for sleeping with multiple girls in a short period of time."

"Wouldn't my parents be proud?" I questioned sarcastically, not even bothering to turn around to face the taller girl.

There was a short awkward silence that filled the kitchen and I know I wasn't the only one to notice the tension in the air.

"I broke up with Nela last night by the way." Dinah broke the silence, admitting in a small voice. This made me turn around with a small smile on my face, nodding in approval.

"And I could've gotten laid last night." I shrug carelessly, quickly grabbing a bottle of water when I see Dinah's weak smile falter. I head towards the stairs but not fast enough.

"I broke up with him because of you." She told me softly while walking closer to me but with every step that she took forward, I took a step backwards to try to distance myself from her.

"No, you broke up with him because you finally caught him cheating. I just happened to be one of the many girls that he has tried to get with." I cringe when I think of his disgusting lips against mine, feeling like I could throw up any second now.

I was immediately broken out of my thoughts when I feel Dinah's body pressed against mine as soon as my back hit the wall preventing me from escaping.

"Jesus fucking take the wheel." I mutter under my breath to myself.

Just as Dinah was about to speak, Ally stumbled into the kitchen followed by a wide-eyed Lauren, guilt written all over her face.

She had definitely been listening to this conversation.

"I tried to stop her from walking in but she heard you." Lauren scratched the back of her neck with a sheepish smile on her face. "She's here to take the wheel." She whispered loudly to me, causing me to internally face palm. When is this girl not high? A high Lauren paired with Allysus is never really a good combination.

"Why are you even here Ally?" I pushed Dinah away from me before sending a questioning glance towards Ally.

"Your front door was opened so I just assumed that God let me in." She replied casually, walking straight past me to the fridge.

"If my friends are this weird, does that mean I'm that weird?" Camila chuckled as she walked into the kitchen, discreetly pulling me towards her and away from Dinah.

I could already feel the tension.

"Oh hey Canola, are you back again to throw yourself at anything with a heartbeat?" Dinah asked the smaller girl in faux sweetness.

Lauren giggled loudly, pulling herself up to sit on the bench before slurping loudly at the tea that she had just made.

"Are you just jealous that Y/N and I were going to fuck again while you were stuck with your booty eating boyfriend this whole time? It's too late Dinah. You can't just pick when you want someone and when you don't. That's called playing with someone's heart and I don't want to see Y/N hurt, especially not by you." Camila scowled, tugging on my wrist to to try to pull me out of the room.

"Y/N, we need to talk." Dinah stepped closer to us, glaring at Camila intensely.

Caminah sandwich? Sign me the fuck up.

"We all know what you're going to say to her. All of it is bullshit." Camila shoved Dinah harshly.

Did she just touch my wife?

"It's story time for you." Ally held up a small Bible, pulling Camila out of the room with her with a disapproving look on her face.

I wait until the two girls are gone before focusing back on Dinah.

"So, you wanted to talk?"


Halloooo! Vote and comment even though this was a crappy chapter! I'm so damn tired and I most definitely should be asleep right now but I wanted to finish up this chapter. I have been so busy lately with school and asking myself the hard questions in life like when am I going to grow taller? When am I going to start looking like I have actually reached puberty?

Oh and I embarrassed myself in front of a hot girl today... why am I so cringe worthy when talking to hot people? Can my body just help me out for once in my almost seventeen years of life and just let me come across as 'normal' to people? I would appreciate it.

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