Ch 2-Diagon Alley

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In the Morning

"Good Morning, Sirius!" I say as happy as can be. Today is a new day.

"Morning, Let's go!" he said.

"Wait up, first we have to change your appearance." I said.

"Not the hair! Anything but that!" He said dramatically.

Such a drama-king, "Okay, but I am being serious, shave or something."

"No, I am Sirius." He said smiling.

"You really love your name, don't you?" I ask him.


"O-Kay." I said rolling my eyes. I don't know why it feels like Sirius and I are old friends.

After changing Sirius appearance, a wee bit, we set off to get some gold from the bank at Diagon Alley.

I had to use Sirius's key he had hid during his time in Azkaban. Since I do not have any wizardry currency to my name, that I am aware of.

The goblin looked at me with brooding eyes, his voice monotone but low.

"So you are Sirius Black?" He gave me a skeptical look.

"Whose that? I am just a poor nobody and this old man gave me this key and told me it was a criminal's money. I said that as long as I get some gold I will be happy."

The goblin shrugged and gave me the key to the safe. I stuffed up the ever ending pouch with a lot of coins.
And I filled up a regular pouch for Sirius. Hey it might be stealing but Sirius didn't say how much I can or cannot take.

I walked out and he patted me on the back I handed him his key and the pouch filled with coins.

"Now for your wand," he said.

"Do I really need one?" I asked.

"No but it might need you." What's that supposed to mean?

I entered the shop.
A man showed up wide eyed his hair was messy but he seemed nice. He must be Ollivander.

"Ah, so you are here for your wand."

"Yes, I am." It's kind of obvious since I'm in a wand shop.

His eyes widened at the sight of me, "You look just like Dumbledore!"

"I guess," I said and shrugged.

"Hold out you're dominant hand and Try calling to it, your wand, Remember, the wand chooses the user." Oh so that's what Sirius meant about the wand needing me.

I closed my eyes and concentrated and when I opened them two wands were in front of me.

One was called the Elder Wand and the other was an 11" a dragon heartstring core, laced with basilisk venom, and the outside was a unicorn horn.

"Curious, curious," he said.

"I'll buy the unicorn one," I say. The Elder one gave me a weird vibe.

"Five Galleons please," he said not all there. He was deep in thought.

I entered the pet shop just for the heck of it after I bought my wand.

The shop had a bunch of animals I heard a phoenix screech and flew towards me and perched on my shoulder.

'What's your name?' I asked it.

"My name is Blaze." she said. I was surprised, I didn't know birds can talk.

"You do realize that is a boy's name," I asked.

"You do realize that you're talking to a phoenix." Blaze sure is a sassy one.


"Anyway, it can be a girl's name." she said defending herself.


I paid for Blaze and we were out. I guess Sirius went off for a while.
People looked at me when I passed maybe they found it weird Blaze was perched on my shoulder.

I also got my robes and I bought some muggle clothes and boots. I got bored waiting for Sirius so I decided to go buy some Jewelry. Someone stopped me in an alley way and sold me  a rare Lightning broom, which can shrink to fit in a pocket. I never been so impressed by something like a broom. I absolutely loved it!

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