Thnks fr th Mmrs - part 2

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They put me in the worst orphanage ever. They abused others. But I forgot everything. When I was three I could talk like an adult so they called me freak. They always abused me and I let them if they hurt anothers usually bad stuff happened to them, so they called me Black. Like a Black stain that will bother you for the rest of your life. They called me good for nothing, a spoiled ugly brat. They didn't ever like my hair color, since white hair was unnatural. I ran away from there when I was five and lived on my own.

I was using magic all the time. It was the only thing I didn't forget. I talked to animals like snakes, and dogs.

I kept my self-clean. And stood clear of bad men. Last time I trust one. I was treated badly by one. I got away before it could get worse.

Then finally when I was thirteen I met Sirius who I gave a chance because there was something familiar about him.

I then saw a memory of me and Dumbledore.

"Okay Windy, now say goodbye to the mermaids,"

"Dad I told you to call me Ariana or Ari it's my first name,"

"Sorry, Ari," he said smiling.

"It okay, can you tell me who my mom is?"

"She was wonderful, her name was Christina, but she died giving birth to you," he said sadly.

"Is that why you don't like women? Because you can't look at any other women because you loved only one which is my mom?"

"Yes?" He said confused at what I had said.

"Don't worry Daddy, I still love you," I say smiling up to him.


Harry's POV

I was walking down the hall to see Draco with a beaters bat and swung it at Ariana.

"Draco!" I yelled and he quickly fled.

I ran and caught an unconscious Ariana, "Professor! I need help!"

"What's the matter Harry?" said Professor Lupin.

"I was coming to see you then I saw Malfoy swing a bat at Ariana's head."

"We must get her to the hospital wing,"

"Were going to prank the Slytherins," said Ariana.

Lupin gave a strange look to Ariana. I paid no mind to it.

Professor Lupin placed Ariana down on the hospital bed.

Dumbledore rushed in, "what's the matter with Ariana?"

Dumbledore was clearly upset.

"Malfoy swung a bat to her head, sir." I say.

"Mr. Potter, head to your dormitories tell your friends."

"Okay sir,"

A few days later

We all brought Ari presents for her recovery. She is in coma. She mutters some incoherent sentences, words, and such.

Dumbledore came in.

"Sir, I have a theory, sometimes when one is in coma they relive their memories so maybe that's what Ariana is doing,"

"You may be right Miss. Granger, all of you leave and call Professor Lupin in."

"Yes sir,"

Remus POV

"What's the matter?"

"Dumbledore needs you at the hospital wing," Harry said.

"Very well, thank you Harry." I grabbed my wand and headed out. I looked at the map that Ari dropped, so this is what she snatched from Fred's pocket.

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