Ch 14-Final Challenge

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The final challenge was near.

Harry and I sat at the common room by the fire.

"Ariana I'm worried, my scar has been hurting and I keep seeing him."

"Oh Harry, it's going to be okay, you can do this. I am hear for you, Remus, and Sirius are all here for you, you're not alone."

"Can you tell me about my dad?"

"Of course, this one time when we were your age. James ran into the room."


"Moona, Sirius and I are bored! Can you come up with a prank?!"

I crossed my arms.

"Don't tell me you're still angry with me!"

I didn't answer.

"Come on Moona," he whispered, "you are my sister, I didn't mean to hurt you, and you're like the sister I always wanted. I just cracked, I know you just want what's best for me."

James left with a huff.

I giggled when he laughed. I counted to three.

"Again? Again? Really Moona?"

I cracked up laughing.

"You weren't really mad at me where you?"

"Not any more James, not anymore."


"So you always got my dad in pranks?"

"Only when he didn't listen,"

"What did he not listen about?"

"Asking Lily to the dance, your mom."

"He did not want to?"

"He always thought Lily will turn him down, she always did. But since Snape was being in the hospital wing with dragon pox, he had a chance."

He smiled at me.

"You are a lot like him, Harry but you have your mother's eyes and heart."

"Thanks Ari. Rita Skeeta hasn't been writing lately."

"Oh, I've taken care of that pesky bug myself."

"You've killed her?"

"Heaven's no!"

He laughed.

"Oh you where kidding."

"Good Night Ari,"

"Night Harry,"

He went up to bed and I went to my room.

"Hey Blaze, where have you been?"

"Spending time with my father."

"Whoa Fawkes is your dad?"

"Yes, and I'm expecting,"

"Who is the guy?

"A blue phoenix named Aqua."

"Wow, you traveled far,"

"Yeah, I got this for you." She dropped a locket from her foot.

"Oh thank you it's beautiful."

"It's my way of saying thank you for adopting me. I'm going to be gone for a while. I need to raise my kids with Aqua he is such a fatherly person.

"Okay Blaze, good bye friend."

I collapsed into bed and slept, tomorrow was going to be tough.


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