Ch 4-Gryffindor

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"Better be.... Gryffindor!" Oh wow, Gryffindor I would have never thought.

The hall broke in applause and murmurs where heard as I walked to my seat sitting next to Harry.

I looked up to the teachers, who stared at me in shock, my eyes met a familiar blue ones, that of Professor Dumbledore, he was staring at me like I was a ghost. My eyes met Professor Lupin's, he gave me a smile. That was reassuring and calmed my thoughts.

As Dumbledore concluded his speech and the food appeared. I was wide eyed. I never saw food that looked like this. I piled my plate and oh my the food here is delicious, I ate as much as I could, and being careful that I didn't over indulge. My last meal was a week ago.

I finished early, and I left to the common room. I think people were looking at me weirdly when I left but no one stopped me. I arrived to a portrait.

"Password?" She asked.

"Lions," I found myself say and the portrait sung open.

I wasn't focusing on where I was going but I arrived  to my new room.

I guess, finding Scabbers can wait. I yawned and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up and took a shower and put on my uniform, I walked down and someone said, "Hey Ariana?" I took me a while to figure out that was me.

"Yes?" I said to the person.

"Dumbledore needs a word with you," they said with a smile.

I frowned, I was kind of hungry, "Okay,"

I walked briskly through the halls. I Came in front of a gargoyle. Wow it is beautiful.


"Uh...Lemon Drops," I saw randomly.

The Gargoyle started to move and I walked up the steps.

"You wanted to see me headmaster?" I ask him and looking in the room in awe.

"Where have you been all those years?" His voice broke out.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, surprised.

"We all thought that you had died. Ever since Voldemort captured you," he began. What is he talking about who is Voldemort?

I shivered at the mention of his name, "What are you talking about? I don't have a name, but people call me Black, I don't have a family, I live on the streets. I'm just a common street rat, who came to Hogwarts this late because I never received any letter, to look for a rat who is Pettigrew."

I let a lot slip, I'll play it off.

"You have lost your memories, my daughter." Uh, Daughter? What? That's impossible, I am so young and he's like grandpa status.

"Daughter? I'm your daughter? That's logically impossible, but it sort of explains why everyone says that."

"I'll explain some things, maybe it will help. You went to Hogwarts with Remus, Snape, and James Potter. You were in James and Remus's group. Always getting in trouble. Not you actually you just gave ideas for pranks but always got them out of trouble, you were also prefect with Remus, but you were not in Gryffindor, you were in Ravenclaw."

"How am I  young?"

"I am not certain, anyways, you graduated, you were also Head girl, you didn't settle down with anyone. Though you tried dating one of your friends, which didn't work out-,"

Is he changing the subject? Or just adding bits and pieces of my supposed life into the mix?

"-Lily Evans and James Potter married during the Wizarding War, and you were happy, you had gotten a note you thought was from them and Voldemort captured you. You have been missing ever since."

"Explaining that, it makes since how I knew some people, and how I already know magic, but If your saying everything correctly I should be like thirty but I'm fourteen,"

"Oh, right it's your birthday," said Dumbledore sadly.

"It's okay," I gave him a hug. He might be delusional, but when I hugged him I felt like I was home.

"Here's your schedule get to potions, come back after your classes."

"Okay," I walked to potions.

"You're late Ms. Raux," Snape's voice droned out.

"My apologies, Dumbledore wanted to speak with me," I say politely.

"Take your seat," he said with a sigh.

I sat by the Slytherins, they gave me weird glances. I smiled innocently.

I mimicked Snape's voice, "Fifty points from Slytherin,"

The Slytherins panicked, while the Gryffindors laughed.

"Who said that?" said Snape.

He looked around the room, his eyes met mine, and said, "It was you, wasn't it."

"But sir, I have been taking notes," I showed him my completed notes, "By the way sir, you messed up step two it is supposed to be chopped in thin prices not thick."

"Why don't you teach the class," he drawled.

"Well Snivelous, if I do that, are you going to sit and learn."

He growled, "Fifty points from Gryffindor,"

I smiled.

My other classes where a breeze. I went back to Dumbledore.

"Okay we are going to use legimancy to see your memories, it may hurt a bit,"

"Okay let's do this," I said determined. I needed to know what I never knew. I need to know who I am.

I felt something prodding into my mind. I relaxed letting it in.

I saw a bunch of images flying through my head, my memories. I saw that I'm an animagus that can change into a white wolf, and I was a marauder, they called me Moona and I dated Sirius, I can't look at him the same way ever again.


*-Authors Note-*

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Thank You for letting me be myself again. 🎶
Is it weird I have no idea who sings that song but love it just the same?

Carry On my Wayward sons.
-Sapeda ^~^

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