Chapter 5

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 'Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold, but you will remember me, remember me for centuries' ~ Centuries by Fall Out Boy

Walking through the doors of the local town library, two lanky and out of place men briefly attempted to search for the never to be seen librarian. She was known for being a stereotypical librarian and was also known, in most ways, to resemble a mouse: squeakily quiet and always shying away from signs of society.

Some have even rumoured that she lives in a secluded house in the middle of nowhere; the house being shaped and decorated as her favourite childhood book. Others say she eats educational books for breakfast and fictional books for lunch. Most find it quite humorous just to meet her, her attitude to life in general tended to make people feel better on a particularly rainy day.

Archie walked forwards towards the front desk and shook the little table bell.

"Hello? Are you in here Mrs..." he trailed off, looking around for a name plaque or something to label the mysterious figure. "Mrs... Librarian?"

A high pitched squeal erupted from the other side of the library. Two pairs of eyebrows lifted up in curiosity and slight terror. Alan took the first brave step and found himself moving at a steady speed to the source of the squeak, Archie following.

Peering over a broad shelf stacked to the rim with romantic novels, they watched the confusing scene in front of them.

The librarian was letting out emotionally silent tears as she huddled down onto a pink and orange beanbag reading an unknown book. A distraught sob soon departed from her mouth as she broke down into a fit of tears.

Quite startled by the scene ahead, they couldn't figure out whether to go comfort the stranger or to take the safer option and leg it. Most males are terrified of crying females; they never know what to do in the situation. Hell, even some girls don't. It's even worse if you don't know the teary eyed gal yourself.

A wrinkly and undernourished hand was placed in front of her mouth as she chocked back on a few sobs. Bravely, she continued reading the novel. Her eyes skimmed the next few lines of the novel briefly and, shortly, she threw her head back in a fit of raw laughter. The two men shared surprised and scared glances with each other, silently communicating about what to do. She giddily lowered her gaze back to the intriguing book but startlingly paused when her near-black orbs fixated on the two frozen intruders.

Roberts and Penski took the tense pause as an excuse to eye out her worn out features. She looked to be 70, far too old to still be working. Big, beady eyes stood out behind thin-framed, circular glasses which were perched on the bridge of her small nose; which was delicately right in the centre of her face. Her mouth was thin and purple in colour and tended to wrinkle unattractively whenever she moved it. Faded in and cleverly camouflaged whiskers sprouted out her cheeks and her ears were pointy and petite.

A hardly heard growl bubbled from inside her as she pointed her stubby finger accusingly at them.

"What are you-" she cleared her throat, ridding herself of the mouse-like sound and continued, "What are you two fools doing here? Couldn't you read the black and red sign outside? The very large black and red sign?" her hands rested on her hips as she spoke, he posture looking like one of an accusing teenage girl.

Both men looked incredibly guilty, remembering sighting the sign but not taking any notice of it.

"We sincerely apologise for intruding and not taking notice of you sign Mrs..." Archie surveyed her, still looking for a name badge.

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