Chapter 7

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'It's so hard to be together, And I try, and I try, But it won't get better, Forever' ~ Chemical Prisoner by Falling in Reverse

He stood still with serenity pulsing in his veins.

A sort of flashback like item rattled and thundered through Archie's head. He felt like he was on a boat, sleeping, the sun forcing his eyelids shut. The unknown surrounding him was filled with tranquillity and he was at peace. No sound was heard, apart from the soft call of velvety waves crashing into each other.

Peace was something he had never had the privilege of having. The voices in his head taunted him daily, criticising his way of life. But now, he at last felt a wisp of freedom. A microscopic wisp, but a wisp none the less.

Archie was around 4 years old. He was undeniably intelligent for his age and managed to stun passing adults' singlehandedly with his excessive knowledge. His short, chubby legs trailed behind his mother's long, slender ones as they approached the hidden wonder.

"Come here Archie," she coaxed, motioning for him to take a seat on her lap once they reached the surprise.

"You see the pretty lake?"

He nodded carelessly, taking in its gorgeous presence. "This lake is all yours."

"Really? All mine?" He lifted his head briefly, the lake still in eyesight, to glance at his mother. She nodded. "Wow. Thanks mummy!"

He looked at his mother in adoration; she knew what he wanted. "Can it be our secret mummy? I don't want to share it with anybody else."

She laughed lightly, feeling fortunate that she had been blessed with such a sweet child. "Of course darling. You have my word."

Holding out her pinky, she gleamed at Archie. She tapped her chin with her index finger, pretending to think. "Do you think we should pinky promise on it?"

He glanced at her in a questioning manner.

"Because then it will never be broken."

"Yeah mummy!" He exclaimed. "Pinky promises are the best."

Archie held out his pinky as his mum interlocked the two fingers together. Their love would last a lifetime, if not, eternity.

That was nearly 20 years ago. Over time Archie had grown and matured like a red apple; but had also learnt the hard way that life never goes the way you want it to.

If it does go the way you want it to, then you're probably dreaming.

Archie followed the masked rock path to the lake he once adored. Though, secretly, he knew that he still does.

Sitting on a flat rock, he stared at the glistening water lapping happily at its surroundings. The water looked fully content. It felt relieving to visit the lake again, he hadn't for years.

The reason why tortured his soul, and, for some reason, he felt like he was completely at fault.

A day after the two rendered it a secret, Archie's mother and father hopped onto a plane for an emergency business conference; the destination: Canada. He was left at home with his crazy grandparents.

It was as if his mother knew what was to become of her. "You have the ability to change the world so much, my beautiful boy. Just remember to do so, if not for me, then for yourself. I believe in you." Her last words stay with him to this day.

8 hours after the plane had set off; Archie's grandparents received a call informing them that an aeroplane crash had occurred. The cause was pinpointed at faulty wiring. There were no survivors.

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