Friday September 22nd 2016 (Part 3)

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Byron jolted awake, jumping up from Ash's chest. He turned to look at Ash and quickly jumped over to hug him. He squeezed him tight as silent tears rolled down his face. "Everything alright Byron?" asked Ash. "Don't ever leave me Ash." Byron responded. Confused, Ash asked, "What do you mean? Why would I leave you?" Byron just shook his head, sniffling against Ash's neck, and said "Nothing. It was just a really bad dream and it scared me. I'll be fine."

The boys got off the couch and took turns showering. Byron spent ten minutes just standing as the hot water hit his body. Flashbacks of the dream kept coming back. The sound of Ash's body thudding on the ground. The fear he felt of losing him. But the worst part was when he felt his body hit the ground. For only a split second, he felt the immense pain as almost every bone in his body shattered from the impact.

He shut the water off and toweled himself dry. Walking back into the kitchen he started cooking some eggs and bacon. Him and Ash sat down and ate in awkward silence. Byron glanced at the clock which read 12:25. He had drama at 1 so he had to get ready soon. They finished eating and placed their plates in the sink. Still, not a word was spoken between the two. Byron went to his room to start getting dressed. A couple minutes later Ash walked in. Luckily Byron had his boxer briefs on already. "Byron what's wrong? What was your dream about? I've never seen you this shook up." Sighing, Byron answered, "Sit down, I'll tell you." They both sat on the bed and Byron launched into his story. "I had woken up on the couch just like I did this morning and we decided to skip class and go to the mall. I invited my friends and we all went. We had a good time but when we went to buy Caitlin a dress at Macy's a robber came in. You tried to be a hero and," Byron stifled a cry and continued, "you were shot. Right in front of me. They took you to the hospital but it was too late, you were gone. I was so distraught that I ran up to the roof and jumped. That was when I woke up."

"Oh Byron I would never leave you," said Ash. He wrapped Byron in a tight embrace as he comforted him. "Like I said, I'm good now it just scared me," said Byron. He got up and finished getting dressed. He gathered his things and him and Ash walked out the apartment. As they reached the stairs to part ways Ash hugged Byron one last time before saying good bye.

Byron sped most of the way to class, his confused emotions clouding his mind. He never thought he'd feel this strongly about anyone, especially his straight friend. He didn't know what to do. He made it to drama class with a more than a few minutes to spare. As he started walking towards the building, he heard his name called from across the quad. He turned to see Tyler making his way over. Wearing gym shorts and a tank top he almost instantly made Byron's blood rush to a place that was thankfully held in place by his tight skinny jeans. "Hey what's up man?" he greeted Tyler. They made their way to a bench on the grass and started a conversation. Byron began flirting a little but was still unsure as to if Tyler was gay or not. His question was ironically answered a few seconds later when Tyler asked, "So hey you maybe wanna play hooky and go have some actual fun?" Byron brightened at the proposition. He agreed and they made their way to his suv. Byron drove back to his apartment and the boys ran upstairs. Byron couldn't even get his key out this pocket before Tyler was on him, kissing him and pushing him into the door. Byron continued fumbling for his keys but soon gave up and wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck.

After a couple minutes Tyler broke the kiss and told Byron to open the door. He did so and Tyler rushed him inside, kicking the door closed behind him. They made it onto the couch and Tyler went on top of Byron, starting to kiss him again. Things escalated quickly after that but just as Tyler was about to open his condom Byron stopped him. "Tyler stop, I can't do this. Fuck! What is wrong with me?" Tyler paused, looking at Byron confused, "What do you mean? I thought you wanted this?"

"Jesus FUCK! I do want this, trust me I want this so bad," replied Byron. "Then what's the problem?" Tyler asked. "I don't know! That's the problem! Fuck why did I have that dream last night. Why?!" Tyler sat down on the couch next to Byron and placed his hand on his thigh. He turned to look Byron in the eye and told him, "Look, Byron, I like you, kind of a lot actually. I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want so just tell me. If you're not ready for this I'm willing to go slow with you. You're a great guy, at least from what I can tell so far I mean I know we only met a few days ago and all but I don't know I got this crazy notion that maybe you liked me and-" Byron cut him off, "Tyler stop don't say this. Look, you're really nice and everything but just right now in my life may not be the best time for this. I'm pretty shaken up a but because last night I had a dream about my best friend and I think it means I'm in love with him or I like him or something. I don't know and it's kinda freaking me out. I'm sorry it's just bad timing I guess."

Soon afterwards, Tyler left but not before giving Byron one last knee-weakening kiss. Finally alone, Byron laid back on the couch and hugged one of the pillows close. All his problems came crashing down on his mind in an instant and he fell asleep while his mind fought unseen battles in his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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