Thursday September 21st 2016

16 2 5

Byron's morning was complete shit already and it was only 10 o'clock. His sleep was filled with lustful dreams of him and Ash and when his alarm finally startled him awake, he fell out of bed and landed on his you-know-what. Not to mention, his Keurig broke for no apparent reason and to top his shit show of a morning off, Mark just knocked at his door.

"Byron I know you're in there, answer the door we need to talk." Byron had a temporary moment of panic. He was still only wearing pajama pants and no shirt so he was debating getting dressed before answering. No just show that mother fucker what he's missing, it'll piss him off. Byron thought to himself.

He shuffled toward the door and opened it. "What?" he asked. "Can I come in?" Mark asked. Byron let out an exasperated sigh, "Sure, make it quick," he responded. Mark walked in and sat on his couch. "It's been a while since we've had a chance to talk, I miss you how have you been?" Mark said. In a monotonous tone, showing no signs of emotion, Byron responded, "I'm fine." "Oh that's good. I've been trying to text you but it's like you've blocked my number or something," said Mark. Byron had been getting all of Mark's texts but ignored them. "Oh..." said Byron. Mark continued, "You know that you can talk to me right? I'm over the break up and everything, so we can talk." Knowing this part was coming, Byron responded, "Yeah I know but see, I don't want that. We were together, then we weren't. I'm sorry but that doesn't mean I wanna be buddy buddy with you. Nothing against you or anything but I just don't befriend my exes."

Mark visibly saddened at the words Byron spoke. As if every syllable was a punch to the gut. Byron felt bad in the silence that followed but knew the words had to be said. Just then, thankfully, Byron's 11:00 alarm went off in his room signaling that he had an hour before class. Just before he could turn around to go shut it off, Mark spoke up, "Byron I know you aren't a bad person but how can you do this? You said you loved me. You said you loved me and then right out of the blue all your feelings were gone. And then you told me you never loved me. That you lied to me. And now, after all you put me through, I've forgiven you and I'm trying to reconnect with you but you just shoot me down. I know you aren't scum but that's shit that scum does."

This sent Byron over the edge, "Ok you know what?! You don't know me. You don't know shit about me. You knew me for maybe a month before we started dating. You don't know me at all and if you think you do, here's your wake up call. I'm a fucking asshole. I know it and guess what? I don't give a fuck. Not a single flying fuck. And as to your 'forgiveness', I never asked for that shit. I don't care one way or the other how you feel now. I'm not your boyfriend I'm not your friend. Therefore your feelings are not my concern. I've tried to keep it polite and cordial between us but no, you want more and more. I didn't want to have to say all this but you've forced my hand. Now could you please leave, I have to get ready for class." Byron walked over to the door and opened it. Mark got up off the couch fighting tears and walked out. As he crossed the threshold he turned back around. "FUCK YOU BYRON!" he shouted. "Yeah yeah." Byron said as he closed the door.

Feeling on edge, he returned to his kitchen to get a mug. Then he headed upstairs to Ash's apartment. Ash welcomed him inside with a questioning look. "Coffee," Byron said raising his mug. "Yeah I see that," said Ash turning his Keurig on, "But what was all that just now?"

Byron looked up at Ash and rolled his eyes, "Just stupid ex shit. He wants to be friends but I'm like 'No I broke up with you, leave me alone' and then he got all butt hurt." Ash just shook his head, "You just drop niggas left and right, see this is why I'd never date you." Byron rolled his eyes again and chuckled, "Yeah Ash, that's why you'd never date me. Wouldn't have anything to do with your inability to handle a dick would it?" "Shut uuup and take your coffee," Ash responded playfully. "Thanks baeeee!" Byron called over his shoulder as he made his way to the door. "No prob. Hey whatcha doing this afternoon after class?" asked Ash. "Probably something with the squad. You wanna come if we end up doing something?" said Byron. "Yeah sure," Ash said. Byron started heading down the stairs, "I'll text you," he said.

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