The Haunted

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Emma POV
"Come on, let's get out of here............through me you'll see the way." Obviously only Neal got out by just fading away. But it made me wonder, is Neal haunting me? And is haunting good or bad, cause he's helping, but I'm not completely sure how.

As he faded away I heard something drop, I searched around the room and it was under the shabby bed in the room. There was rope, tape, chalk, a box of matches, and a Dynamic Dynamite:Silenced Kit, must be some kind of silent firecracker.

At first I wondered what I could use this for,  because there is a guard downstairs so I can't just blow up the door............... Through me you'll see the way.... THE WINDOW! Quickly I opened the dynamite kit, grabbed an explosive and lit it on the window sill. It blew up the frame without any noise! To be more specific, it separated the X from the frame. I grabbed the rope and taped it onto the edge of the outer wall. I climbed over with the X so I could
Put it back on so no one notices it's gone. Using the chalk, I sand the edge of the frame to fit it perfectly, then I taped it from the outside so it doesn't fall, and I could remove it again if needed. I climbed down and yanked the rope with me. It looked like I was in the town square, in the windmill it looks like.

Robin POV
She's back. "Oh great!" says Leroy, "It's the cooky one."
"She's not that bad," I exclaim. "She can actually be very useful."
"How?" says Leroy
"Well how do you think I'm still in business!! She always buys a beer everyday, except for the last few days she's disappeared." I say. Leroy just walks back to his table, he doesn't understand woman like I do. "Thinking about me darling...."  say Zelena. "As always sweetheart." I respond.

Emma POV
I moan from Robin's lovey-dovey moment as I sit down. "You know we were like that....." Neal says. "I think it's cute."
he added. "And I think your dead!" I say. Zelena and Robin stare at me..... "Lemme get you a beer that will make you less crazy." Robin snarks. "He doesn't exist!" I say. "Well the beer isn't a person honey," says Zelena. "Forget what Robins getting, I know exactly what you need............" Zelena grabs me and we walk out the door. "That will be $3 Emma, Zelena?" Robin says searching around the room. "Maybe you need that 'less crazy' beer yourself!" Leroy states while leaving his tip.

Emma, My Love: Book 1- SwanFire (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now