5~The Heart Burns

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A flame is present
Surrounding my heart
It burns as the flame continues to rise
My chest tightens
As I try to breath deeply

Head is aching
Sight's gone into a blur
It's hard to breath now
Is this Goodbye?

A sharp pain hits me
My knees get weak
Not because of a High School crush...
This is different.
So much different..

And this usually happens
But it doesn't mean I can get used to it.
The pain that adds up to everything I feel..

Breath in, Breath out
But no, the pain strengthens
My body's too weak

No voice can be heard from me
Only the sound of my beating heart
The sound echoes inside this dark room

For now it's beating
But any second now, it will stop
The heart beats slowly
Slowly, slowly...
Until, poof.

No beat can be heard
Nor my breathing
I see my body peacefully sleeping

My dark soul
Has finally left the poor body
Of mine
It shall rest in peace now
And this soul shall leave

I shall leave now and rest as well


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